
sent_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - sent_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for sent statistics

ACS server If Statistics Raw Ip Sent Bytes
acsIfStatsRawIpSentBytes (defined in ACSServer-MIB)
This is the total number of RAW IP BYTEs sent by ACS Server
ACS server If Statistics Sent Rsvp Resv Error Messages
acsIfStatsSentRsvpResvErrMsgs (defined in ACSServer-MIB)
This is the total number of RSVP ResvErr messages sent by this ACS Server
ACS server If Statistics Sent Rsvp Confirm Messages
acsIfStatsSentRsvpConfirmMsgs (defined in ACSServer-MIB)
This is the total number of RSVP Confirm messages sent by this ACS Server
xylan Ntp Statistics Peer Packets Sent
xylanNtpStatsPeerPacketsSent (defined in XYLAN-NTP-MIB)
The number of packets that have been sent.
xylan Ntp Statistics Io Sent Packets
xylanNtpStatsIoSentPackets (defined in XYLAN-NTP-MIB)
The total number of NTP packets sent by the switch.
xylan Ntp Statistics Io Not Sent Packets
xylanNtpStatsIoNotSentPackets (defined in XYLAN-NTP-MIB)
due to restrictions.
rip2 If Statistics Sent Updates
rip2IfStatSentUpdates (defined in rfc1389)
The number of triggered RIP updates actually sent on this interface. This explicitly does NOT include full updates sent containing new information.
sna Pu20 Statistics Sent Negative Responses
snaPu20StatsSentNegativeResps (defined in rfc1666)
The number of negative responses sent by this Node.
sna Lu Session Statistics Sent Bytes
snaLuSessnStatsSentBytes (defined in rfc1666)
The number of bytes sent by the local LU.
sna Lu Session Statistics Sent Rus
snaLuSessnStatsSentRus (defined in rfc1666)
The number of RUs sent by the local LU.
Modem Statistics Sent Octets
mdmStatsSentOctets (defined in rfc1696)
The number of octets presented to the modem by the DTE.
Modem Statistics Sent Data Frames
mdmStatsSentDataFrames (defined in rfc1696)
The number of data frames sent on the line interface. If there is no frame-oriented protocol in use on the line interface, this counter shall not increment.
rip2 If Statistics Sent Updates
rip2IfStatSentUpdates (defined in rfc1724)
The number of triggered RIP updates actually sent on this interface. This explicitly does NOT include full updates sent containing new information.
Cabletron IGMP Statistics counters Number V1 Queries Sent
ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumV1QueriesSent (defined in ctron-igmp-mib)
The number of IGMP Version 1 queries this device has sent out.
Cabletron IGMP Statistics counters Number GS Queries Sent
ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumGSQueriesSent (defined in ctron-igmp-mib)
The number of Group Specific queries this device has sent out.
sfps CSP Packet Statistics Packets Sent Bad
sfpsCSPPacketStatsPacketsSentBad (defined in ctron-sfps-pktmgr-mib)
sfps CSP Packet Statistics Packets Sent Good
sfpsCSPPacketStatsPacketsSentGood (defined in ctron-sfps-pktmgr-mib)
sfps Block Resolve Statistics Total Sent
sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalSent (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The total number of requests sent through the system for address objects that are being blocked.
Enterasys Mgmd Ext Statistics counters Number V3 Queries Sent
etsysMgmdExtStatsCntrsNumV3QueriesSent (defined in enterasys-mgmd-ext-mib)
The number of version 3 queries this device has sent out. This will read 0 for MLD.
Enterasys Pim Ext If Statistics Number Sent Assert
etsysPimExtIfStatsNumSentAssert (defined in enterasys-pim-ext-mib)
The number of PIM Assert messages that have been sent out this interface.
Enterasys Pim Ext If Statistics Number Sent Bsm
etsysPimExtIfStatsNumSentBsm (defined in enterasys-pim-ext-mib)
The number of PIM Bootstrap Router messages that have been sent out this interface. PIM always multicasts this type of message.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Offers Sent
alDhcpServerStatsOffersSent (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of received DHCPOFFER messages.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Acks Sent
alDhcpServerStatsAcksSent (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of received original (i.e. in the REQUESTING state) DHCPACK messages.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Naks Sent
alDhcpServerStatsNaksSent (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of received original (i.e. in the REQUESTING state) DHCPNAK messages.
ALTIGA Dhcp Statistics Discovers Sent
alDhcpStatsDiscoversSent (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-STATS-MIB)
The number of transmitted DHCPDISCOVER messages.
ALTIGA Dhcp Statistics Initialization Requests Sent
alDhcpStatsInitRequestsSent (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-STATS-MIB)
The number of initially (i.e. in the SELECTING or REQUESTING state) transmitted DHCPREQUEST messages.
ALTIGA Http Statistics Octets Sent
alHttpStatsOctetsSent (defined in ALTIGA-HTTP-STATS-MIB)
The number of octets sent.
ALTIGA Http Statistics Packets Sent
alHttpStatsPacketsSent (defined in ALTIGA-HTTP-STATS-MIB)
The number of packets.
ALTIGA Ppp Statistics Octets Sent
alPppStatsOctetsSent (defined in ALTIGA-PPP-STATS-MIB)
The number of octets sent during this session.
ALTIGA Ppp Statistics Packets Sent
alPppStatsPacketsSent (defined in ALTIGA-PPP-STATS-MIB)
The number of packets sent during this session.
ALTIGA Ssh Statistics Octets Sent
alSshStatsOctetsSent (defined in ALTIGA-SSH-STATS-MIB)
The number of octets sent.
ALTIGA Ssh Statistics Packets Sent
alSshStatsPacketsSent (defined in ALTIGA-SSH-STATS-MIB)
The number of packets.
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Statistics Slow Downs Sent
cipCardCsnaStatsSlowDownsSent (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
The number of times the slow down bit was set by the router to stop VTAM from sending any more channel I/O blocks. This condition stays in effect until the router clears the slow down condition.
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Transmission Groups Llc Statistics Connection Number Sent
cipTgLlcStatsConnNumberSent (defined in CISCO-CIPTG-MIB)
Number of connection-oriented MPC+ frames sent to the host over this TG.

MIBs list