
statistics_block monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - statistics_block

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for statistics block

dsx1 Port Statistics Far End Block Error
dsx1PortStatsFarEndBlkError (defined in XYLAN-DS1-MIB)
Total number of Far End Block Error events that have been detected on this port. This object only applies to E1 port.
dsx3 Port Statistics Far End Block Error
dsx3PortStatsFarEndBlkError (defined in XYLAN-DS3-MIB)
Total number of Far-end Block Error events that have been received on this port.
dsx3 Port Statistics Plcp Far End Block Error
dsx3PortStatsPlcpFarEndBlkError (defined in XYLAN-DS3-MIB)
Total number of PLCP Far-end Block Errors that have been detected on this port. A value of zero is returned if port sublayer is not PLCP.
sfps Block Source Statistics Number Blocks
sfpsBlockSourceStatsNumBlocks (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
sfps Block Source Statistics Number Entries
sfpsBlockSourceStatsNumEntries (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
The number of entries in the SourceBlocker table. (Each new node that is heard has its own entry.
sfps Block Source Statistics Size Of Object
sfpsBlockSourceStatsSizeOfObj (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
The size of the SourceBlocker object itself (in bytes.)
sfps Block Source Statistics Hash Slots Size
sfpsBlockSourceStatsHashSlotsSize (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
The amount of storage used for the hash buckets (in bytes.)
sfps Block Source Statistics Block Source Only Size
sfpsBlockSourceStatsBlockSourceOnlySize (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
The amount of storage used for the Blocks-Only index array (in bytes.)
sfps Block Source Statistics Unblockable Size
sfpsBlockSourceStatsUnblockableSize (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
The amount of storage used for the Unblockable-Only index array (in bytes.)
sfps Block Resolve Statistics Number Entries
sfpsBlockResolveStatsNumEntries (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The number of entries in sfpsBlockResolveTable.
sfps Block Resolve Statistics Total Blocked
sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalBlocked (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The total number of resolve requests that have been blocked by the server.
sfps Block Resolve Statistics Total Sent
sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalSent (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The total number of requests sent through the system for address objects that are being blocked.
sfps Block Resolve Statistics Average Request Time
sfpsBlockResolveStatsAvgReqTime (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The average time in 10 msec units between resolve requests seen by the server. It is computed by dividing sysUpTime by sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalReqSeen.
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Statistics HC Bytes Tx By Block Delay Time
cipCardCsnaStatsHCBytesTxByBlockDelayTime (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the Block Delay Time has been exceeded. NOTE: This is a 64 bit (High Capacity) version of the cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByBlockDelayTime counter for use with SNMP Version 2 Managers
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Statistics Blocks Tx By Block Delay Length
cipCardCsnaStatsBlocksTxByBlockDelayLength (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
The number of Blocks Transmitted when the suggested Block Delay Length has been exceeded.
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Statistics Bytes Tx By Block Delay Length
cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByBlockDelayLength (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the suggested Block Delay Length has been exceeded.
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Statistics Bytes Tx By Max Block Length
cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByMaxBlockLength (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the Maximum block length has been exceeded.

MIBs list