threshold_count monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - threshold_count

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for threshold count

health Threshold Module Trap Count
healthThreshModTrapCount (defined in XYLAN-HEALTH-MIB)
Number of modules with threshold crossing data in module-level rising/falling threshold trap. This object is not intended to be accessed directly. It is defined for use in module-level rising/falling threshold traps.
health Threshold Port Trap Count
healthThreshPortTrapCount (defined in XYLAN-HEALTH-MIB)
Number of threshold crossing entries in port-level rising/falling threshold trap. This object is not intended to be accessed directly. It is defined for use in port-level rising/falling threshold traps.
Compaq Server Health Correct Memory Error Count Threshold
cpqHeCorrMemErrorCntThresh (defined in CPQHLTH)
The error threshold for Correctable memory errors. When cpqHeCorrMemErrCount is greater than or equal to this value user action is required to replace the failing memory module.
Token Ring Alarms Ring Frame Count Threshold
tRingAlarmsRingFrameCountThreshold (defined in dot5-log-mib)
The threshold alarm value for the total Frame Count. Valid ranges are 2430 to 250000 with a default values of 8920 for 4 Mbps and 33890 for 16 Mbps ring speeds.
Enterasys Link Flap Interface Count Threshold
etsysLinkFlapIntfCountThreshold (defined in enterasys-link-flap-mib.)
The threshold count of link state transitions, which if exceeded within time limit etsysLinkFlapIntfTimeInterval, necessitates actions specified in LinkFlapIntfAction. Setting etsysLinkFlapIntfCountThreshold such that the ratio of etsysLinkFlapIntfCountThreshold to etsysLinkFlapIntfTimeInterval would become greater than etsysLinkFlapSystemLinkFlapMaximum will result in the set operation failing with an inconsistentValue error. Maintaining the value of this object across agent reboots is REQUIRED
cisco Health Monitor Threshold Exceed Count
ciscoHealthMonThresholdExceedCount (defined in CISCO-5800-HEALTH-MON-MIB)
Number of times monitoring value exceeded the configured threshold value.
Lightstream Per VC Queueing Rm Threshold Group Cell Count
lsPerVcqRmThreshGrpCellCount (defined in CISCO-ATM-RM-MIB)
Count of the number of cells in the Threshold Group.
Cisco Switch Threshold Groups Per VC Queueing Rm Threshold Group Cell Count
cgrPerVcqRmThreshGrpCellCount (defined in CISCO-ATM-RM-MIB)
Count of the number of cells in the Threshold Group.
Cisco Enhanced Memory Buffer Cache Threshold Count
cempMemBufferCacheThresholdCount (defined in CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB)
Indicates how many times the number of cache buffers used(cempMemBufferCacheUsed) has crossed the threshold value(cempMemBufferCacheThreshold).

MIBs list