
vlan_port monitor - SNMP OIDs

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OIDs - vlan_port

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OID list for "vlan port"

Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Bridge Index
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressBridgeIndex (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The index of the bridge vlan identified by this entry, relative to this agent.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Vlan Index
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressVlanIndex (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The index of the vlan identified by this entry, within the bridge identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Remote Address
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressRemoteAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The remote MAC address detected on the bridge vlan port identified by to this entry. Setting this object results in an attempt to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge vlan, a set is only successful if the index value specified for a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressTypeIndex and a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Type
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressType (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object, when read, always returns the value valid(1). Setting this object to invalid(2) will remove the corresponding address entry from the table.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Is Static
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIsStatic (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
A value indicating whether this MAC address was statically configured or was dynamically learned. Note that isStatic(1) is only valid for set operations.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Static Port
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressStaticPort (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
If the corresponding value of the object a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIsStatic is isStatic(1), this object indicates the local bridge port index (as reported by a3ComSysBridgePortLocalIndex) for which this address MAC was statically configured. If the object a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIsStatic has the value isDynamic(2), the value of this object is 0.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Age
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressAge (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object indicates the time, in seconds, elapsed since a packet containing this address as a source was last seen on the bridge vlan port identified by this entry.
dot1q Tp Vlan Port In Frames
dot1qTpVlanPortInFrames (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The number of valid frames received by this port from its segment which were classified as belonging to this VLAN. Note that a frame received on this port is counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local forwarding process for this VLAN. This object includes received bridge management frames classified as belonging to this VLAN (e.g. GMRP, but not GVRP or STP).
dot1q Tp Vlan Port Out Frames
dot1qTpVlanPortOutFrames (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The number of valid frames transmitted by this port to its segment from the local forwarding process for this VLAN. This includes bridge management frames originated by this device which are classified as belonging to this VLAN (e.g. GMRP, but not GVRP or STP).
dot1q Tp Vlan Port In Discards
dot1qTpVlanPortInDiscards (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The number of valid frames received by this port from its segment which were classified as belonging to this VLAN which were discarded due to VLAN related reasons. Specifically, the IEEE 802.1Q counters for Discard Inbound and Discard on Ingress Filtering.
dot1q Tp Vlan Port In Overflow Discards
dot1qTpVlanPortInOverflowDiscards (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The number of times the associated dot1qTpVlanPortInDiscards counter has overflowed.
dot1q Tp Vlan Port High Capacity In Discards
dot1qTpVlanPortHCInDiscards (defined in Q-BRIDGE-MIB)
The number of valid frames received by this port from its segment which were classified as belonging to this VLAN which were discarded due to VLAN related reasons. Specifically, the IEEE 802.1Q counters for Discard Inbound and Discard on Ingress Filtering.
els100 Switch Vlan Port Id
els100SwitchVlanPortId (defined in ctels100-ng-mib)
The number of the port, from 1 to number of ports in the system.
els100 Switch Vlan Port Type
els100SwitchVlanPortType (defined in ctels100-ng-mib)
For tagged VLAN's, the VLAN port type, either hybrid or access. Hybrid ports allow both tagged and untagged packets to enter the switch. Access ports only accept untagged packets.
vlan Port Port Number
vlanPortPortNum (defined in ctron-sfps-vlan-mib)
The primary index to the VlanPort table.
vlan Port Port Status
vlanPortPortStatus (defined in ctron-sfps-vlan-mib)
vlan Port Router Port
vlanPortRouterPort (defined in ctron-sfps-vlan-mib)
vlan Port Relay Agent
vlanPortRelayAgent (defined in ctron-sfps-vlan-mib)
Cabletron Vlan Port Config Entry
ctVlanPortConfigEntry (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
Describes a particular VLAN port configuration entry.
Cabletron Vlan Port Slot Number
ctVlanPortSlotNum (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
The slot number of the device that the bridge port is located on.
Cabletron Vlan Port Number
ctVlanPortNum (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
The port number for which the information is requested.
Cabletron Vlan Port VID
ctVlanPortVID (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
The 12 bit Port VLAN Identifier (PVID) associated with the configured VLAN for received untagged packets on the port specified by ctVlanPortNum. The port specified by ctVlanPortNum will be added to the egress list (ctVlanEgressList) for the specified VLAN with the frame type of untagged, via ctVlanEgressUntaggedList. The port will be removed from the egress list of the previous PVID. The exception to this is the DEFAULT VLAN (VID 1) when the ctVlanDefaultVIDStickyEgress is set to a value of enable(1). Additionally the ctVlanStatus of the specified VLAN will be set to a value of enable(1). A set of value that does not exist in the ctVlanConfigTable will fail with a NO-INSTANCE error.
Cabletron Vlan Port Discard Frame
ctVlanPortDiscardFrame (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
A set of noDiscard(1) causes the port to submit all packets received on the port to the forwarding process, regardless, of the absence or presence of a VLAN tag in the packet. A set of discardUntagged(2) causes the port specified by ctVlanPortNum to discard all frames received that carry no VLAN classification (i.e. any untagged frames or priority tagged frames). A set of discardTagged(3) has no effect.
Cabletron Vlan Port Operational Mode
ctVlanPortOperationalMode (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
A set of dot1QTrunk(1) causes the port specified by ctVlanPortNum to transmit tagged frames exclusively, and ctVlanPortDiscardFrame is set to a value of discardUntagged(2). Additionally the specified port is added to the egress list of all existing VLANS, and all existing VLANS are enabled as specified by ctVlanStatus. If new VLANS are established and any port is configured as a dot1QTrunk(1) then the newly created VLAN will automatically be added to the egress list (ctVlanEgressList) for the port specified by ctVlanPortNum. A set of hybrid(2) allows the port to transmit both tagged and untagged frames. Additionally the specified port is removed from all VLANS except the the VLAN as specified by ctVlanPortVID. A set of hybrid(2) will also set ctVlanPortDiscardFrame to a value of noDiscard(1). A set of dot1dTrunk(3) causes the port specified by ctVlanPortNum to transmit untagged frames exclusively, and ctVlanPortDiscardFrame is set to a value of noDiscard(1). Additionally the specified port is added to the egress list and the untagged list of all existing VLANS, and all existing VLANS are enabled as specified by ctVlanStatus. If new VLANS are established and any port is configured as a dot1dTrunk(3) then the newly created VLAN will automatically be added to the egress list (ctVlanEgressList) and the untagged list (ctVlanEgressUntaggedList) for the port specified by ctVlanPortNum.
Cabletron Vlan Port Ingress Filtering
ctVlanPortIngressFiltering (defined in ctron-vlan-extensions-mib)
A set of enable(1) causes the forwarding process to discard any frame received on the port, specified by ctVlanPortNum, that is not a member of the classified VLANs' egress list, as specified bt ctVlanEgressList. VLAN classification may be accomplished via the PVID, as specified by ctVlanPortVID, for untagged frames, or the VLAN Id specified in the VLAN tag for tagged packets. A set of disable(2) causes the port to submit all frames to the forwarding process that have not already been discarded by ctVlanPortDiscardFrame.
vlan Port Entry
vlanPortEntry (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
Entry for port configuration in VLAN.
vlan Port Mode
vlanPortMode (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
Setting it to hybrid(1) sets a hybrid link. Setting it to dot1qTrunk(2) sets a trunk link. Setting it to access(3) sets an access link.

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