
Monitor CPU Usage Over WMI

Keep Track of High CPU Usage

WMI CPU monitor: user time graph
WMI CPU monitor

CPU usage should be watched closely, as CPU power is scarce resource, not easily augmented. As the above parameter is supported by default WMI installation, measuring CPU utilization is possible even without additional WMI providers. The IPHost Network Monitor provides you with a tool to control CPU load via WMI.

The WMI CPU monitor can provide you with several CPU metrics, namely:

  • total active time
  • user time
  • system time
  • interrupts per second
  • context switches per second

You are encouraged to read more about above metrics in online help pages. Important: it might become necessary to monitor several metrics for the same hardware resource on the same host. The WMI CPU monitor is a handful tool to monitor performance of a Windows host, since all the necessary WMI counters are enabled out of box.

WMI CPU Monitor to Watch and Plan CPU Load

WMI CPU monitor: monitor parameters
WMI CPU monitor,
monitor parameters

CPU load can vary significantly in the course of time, that’s normal for many installation. If frequent bursts of high CPU utilization are happening, it should signify the setup isn’t optimal, and certain applications are most probably in need of tuning. To know the typical usage, it’s enough to create WMI CPU monitors for all the metrics and leave them running for a day or two, without setting up any alerts.

It is generally advised to add monitors for other hardware resources to your monitoring system as well (such as memory usage etc), to get wider picture of what resources utilization can depend on during typical business day. When possible, creating artificial higher load on resources can help to find possible bottlenecks.

Watching trends for CPU usage as time goes can give you estimations on whether it’s growing, what processes are involved and whether the host being monitored can become short of CPU power in foreseeable future.

SSH and SNMP Monitors for Hardware Resources

Looking for server monitoring tools to control CPU load, as well as memory usage and watch other base hardware components stats? IPHost Network Monitor offers efficient and easy to use monitor types to handle this task. Beyond CPU load, WMI can be used on variety of Windows systems to monitor RAM usage, disk space used/remaining and number of running processes. Adding more WMI providers can expand the list of hardware components one can monitor; refer to proper sources on how to add those providers when necessary.

SNMP (Simple Network Management protocol) and SSH (Secure Shell) can also be used, generally on any device or on Unix-like system, correspondingly. In many a case several monitoring methods can be utilized on the same device. Choose whatever suits better specific needs of the task you solve.

Download Computer Monitoring Software

IPHost network Monitor comes with 30-days trial period, every feature fully enabled during it. Start monitoring your network devices right now, prevent downtime!

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