With the IPHost SNMP tool, you can monitor any SNMP objects of the
. You can select a variable to monitor using the built-in IPHost MIB browser that provides you with all variables,
their current values and descriptions taken from the
- chasType
- The particular type of Xylan chassis. The value of other(2) will be returned if the variable is supported but the chassis is not one of the currently known types of Omni5(3) or Omni9(4).
- chasDescription
- A description for this chassis/product. The value shall default to the textual product description, but the user can override this to anything desired.
- chasPhysicalChanges
- Depicts the number of physical changes that have occured to the chassis MIB since reset or power on. This includes additions and removal of modules in the module table or additions and removal of controllers in the controller table.
- chasLogicalChanges
- Depicts the number of logical changes that have occured to the chassis MIB since reset or power on. This includes all sets to name strings.
- chasNoOfResets
- This object is a count of the number of times this this station has been reset since a cold-start.
- chasBaseMacAddress
- This object is the 'base' MAC address for this chassis.
- chasFreeSlots
- The number of free front panel slots.
- chasIpAddrToPing
- The IP address to which a ping should be issued. A Network Management Station can use this to issue directed broadcast pings so as to augment the IP ARP table. The ARP table is useful in discovering the IP network topology.
- chasDupMacSupport
- The number of Duplication of any single MAC address learned. 0 indicates no duplicate MAC support, 1 up to 64 indicates the number of duplication allowed per board. The value of 1 indicates no duplication allowed per board only, but it is allowed between ...
- chasNewDupMacSupport
- This variable allows the user to cause duplicate MAC addresses to age out concurrently. If set to zero, it is ignored and the aging timer for each group where the address was learned will be used. Values 1 through 9 are not valid. If set to a value bet ...
- chasSonetMonitoring
- on(1) - Start Sonet Monitoring. If the image file (sec.img) is not loaded, this variable should be set to load it. off(2) - Stop Sonet Monitoring.
- chasDateAndTime
- Time and date information for the chassis.
- chasCurrentDateAndTime
- Current date and time. Format - yyyymmddThhmmss yyyy - year, mm - month, dd - day, 'T' separator, hh - hour, mm - month, ss - second.
- chasTimezoneName
- String containing the time zone name. nzst - New Zealand Time aest - Australia East Time gst - Guam Time acst - Australia Central Time jst - Japan Time kst - Korean Time awst - Australia West Time msk - Moscow Time eet - Eastern European Time cet - Centra ...
- chasTimezoneOffset
- Time zone offset + or - minutes from UTC.
- chasTimezoneDstAdmin
- Daylight Savings Time enable/disable.
- chasTimezoneDst
- Time and date information for the chassis. wdmmhhmmwdmmhhmmHHMM | start|| end ||offset| w-d-mm,hh:mm,w-d-mm,hh:mm,HH:MM w - Week (first(1), second(2), third(3), fourth(4), last(>4)) d - Day (Sunday(1), ..., Saturday(7)) m - Month (January(1), ..., Decemb ...
- chasModuleTable
- A list of installed modules in this chassis.
- chasModuleEntry
- A module entry containing objects for a particular module. This would contain entries that relate to the module in a specific 'slot'.
- chasModuleSlot
- The (zero-based) front slot number within the chassis.
- chasModuleSubUnit
- The sub-unit number within module in slot 'n'. For each non-empty slot there will exist a module entry with a chasModuleSubUnit value of base. If the chasModuleType of that chasModuleEntry is hsm, then there may be additional chasModuleEntrys with the sam ...
- chasModuleType
- An authoritative identification of the type of physical module that is in this physical location. Notice that the value empty(3) will not be seen in this table, because this table will only have entries that contain modules.
- chasModulePartNum
- The part number of ths module.
- chasModuleDescription
- Textual description of this particular module. The user can change this value to whatever is desired.
- chasModuleHwRevision
- The current revision of this module's hardware.
- chasModuleHwModLevel
- The modification level of this module's hardware.
- chasModuleSerialNumber
- The serial number of the module present in this physical location.
- chasModuleMfgDate
- The manufacturing date for this module. This data is retrieved from the module non-volitile memory.
- chasModuleFwVersion
- Textual decription of the version/revision level for this module's firmware/software.
- chasModuleBaseMacAddress
- This is the 'base' MAC address for this module. If the module does not support the notion of MAC addresses, the vaule shall be 0.
- chasModuleTimeStamp
- The value of sysUpTime of this management entitiy, when this module was last (re-) initialized.
- chasModuleAdminStatus
- Provides desired (and actual) state of the given module. Notice that not all values may be supported by a specified physical module. In this case an SNMP error returned when a set is attempted. All modules (even empty slots) are in an unknown(1) state whe ...
- chasModuleOperStatus
- Provides operational state of the given module. The exact definition of the values is implementation specific. A value of unknown(1) implies some undetermined state, possibly as a result of a module failing the low-level selftest. A value of invalid(2) m ...
- chasModuleLedStatus
- The LED state for this module. The exact definition of the values are implimentation dependent. For example, a power supply module may not have any LEDs present, while a network interface element might have 28 LEDs and a Controller might have 6 LEDs. NOTE ...
- chasModuleVbusTxDiscards
- The current count of transmit VBUS buffer overruns.
- chasModuleVbusRxDiscards
- The current count of receive VBUS buffer overruns.
- chasModuleLedStatusExtend
- A octet string containing module led information
- chasControlTable
- A list of Module controller status. NOTE: Objects with ACCESS of read-write which are associated with configuration data which presists accross reboots are in fact only valid for the Primary MPM. If the Secondary MPM has different values this information ...
- chasControlEntry
- A controller entry containing objects for a particular controller.
- chasControlSlot
- The physical slot number for this controller card. This is the same as chasModuleSlot.
- chasControlState
- Provides desired (and actual) state of the given controller module. The unknown state may be returned if the controller is not present or offline. A controller may be placed into the Primary state by writing a value of primary(3). Note that most impliment ...
- chasControlDCEPortRate
- This is the current (and desired) baud rate for the DCE (console) serial port 1. The power-on default rate is 9600 b/s.
- chasControlDCEWordSize
- This is the current (and desired) word size for serial port 0 (DCE). The power-on default is 8 bits.
- chasControlDCEStopBits
- This is the current (and desired) number of stop bits for serial port 0 (DCE). The power-on default is 1 bit.
- chasControlDCEParity
- This is the current (and desired) parity for serial port 0 (DCE). The power-on default rate is NONE.
- chasControlDTEPortRate
- This is the current (and desired) baud rate for the DTE (modem) serial port 0. The power-on default rate is 9600 b/s.
- chasControlDTEWordSize
- This is the current (and desired) word size for serial port 1 (DTE). The power-on default is 8 bits.
- chasControlDTEStopBits
- This is the current (and desired) number of stop bits for serial port 1 (DTE). The power-on default is 1 bit.
- chasControlDTEParity
- This is the current (and desired) parity for serial port 1 (DTE). The power-on default rate is NONE.
- chasControlIPAdd
- The IP address for this MPM and it's snmp agent.
- chasControlBootCode
- FW boot code to load on reset for this controller.
- chasControlFreeFFS
- The current free Flash File System space.
- chasControlFreeBuffers
- The current software does not pool a specific number of buffers. Therefore this object is obsolete.
- chasControlBufferUtilization
- The current software does not pool a specific number of buffers. Therefore this object is obsolete.
- chasControlCPUUtilization
- The current CPU utilization for this controller.
- chasControlImageSuffix
- This character string will be used to determine which file is downloaded to the NIs to be brought up by the chassis manager. Only files with suffixes (the part of the file name following '.') matching this character string will be downloaded to NIs which ...
- chasControlImageSyncStatus
- For the Primary this means: insync(1) the files in the secondary's flash file system are the same as those in the primary's. newer(2) the files in the secondary's flash file system have a more recent date than those on the primary older(3) the files in ...
- chasControlConfigSyncStatus
- insync(1) All configuration data on the Primary is the same as that on the secondary. newer(2) The config data on the Primary MPM has been updated more recently than the config data on the secondary. (This is not a possible value if the instance is the S ...
- chasControlConfigSyncEnable
- enabled(1) - After changes to configuration data AND after 5 min from the last change if the image files are synced, sync synchronize the configuration data. disabled(2) - never automatically synchronize the configuration data.
- chasControlDCEPortMode
- down(1) - This port is down. console(2) - This is the console port slip(3) - This is a slip port. This value can only be modified through the console/slip port
- chasControlDTEPortMode
- down(1) - This port is down. console(2) - This is the console port slip(3) - This is a slip port. This value can only be modified through the console/slip port
- chasControlEthPortIPAddr
- The IP network address of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
- chasControlEthPortSubMask
- The IP network subnet mask of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
- chasControlEthPortBcast
- The IP network broadcast address of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
- chasControlEthPortGateWay
- The IP network gateway address of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
- chasControlEthPortRipMode
- The RIP mode of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
- chasControlEthPortRemoteHost
- The IP network remote host address of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
- chasControlEthPortRemoteMask
- The IP network remote host subnet mask of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
- chasControlFFSTable
- This table provides a file directory listing of both the primary and secondary MPMs. and provides for simple file operations.
- chasControlFFSEntry
- Each entry describes as single file. Rather than use the entire file name as an instance, a checksum of the file name is used.
- chasControlFFSFileSlot
- Which slot, valid values are 1 and 2. If there is no Secondary MPM only one of these will be valid.
- chasControlFFSFileNameCks
- This value/instance is derived from the file name and is used to determine which file the NMS is inquiring about or operating on. The NMS must use the value given by the Switch.
- chasControlFFSFileName
- The file name.
- chasControlFFSFileSize
- The file size: bytes of data.
- chasControlFFSFileDate
- The unix date the file was created. this is based upon number of seconds since 1/ 1/70. Files created by older versions of the bootcode alway have 1/ 1/70 00:00 as the date. If the date is incorrect on the switch the values in the file system will reflec ...
- chasControlFFSFileAction
- none(1) No action has been requested for this file writingTo(2) can only be specified for Primary causes the specified file to be written from Primary to Secondary. deletingFrom(3) this file is being removed can be specified for files on both Primary and ...
- chasControlLastFFSAction
- writingTo(2) The file is being written to the Seconday. deletingFrom(3) the file is being removed from the slot indicated by chasControlLastFFSActionSlot. readingFrom(4) the file is being copied from the Secondary to the Primary. The last action that was ...
- chasControlLastFFSActionSlot
- The slot number (1/2) which combined with the action says what is really happening.
- chasControlLastFFSActionFileName
- The name of the file upon which the last Action is was successfully requested.
- chasControlLastFFSActionDate
- The time of the last successfull set to chasControlFFSFileAction
- chasControlLastFFSActionSource
- The IP address of the NMS which did the last successfull set to chasControlFFSFileAction
- chasControlLastFFSActionStatus
- none(1) No file action has ever been succesfully requested since boot up of this MPM. Included takeover by Secondary MPM. inProgress(2) The action described by other members of this group is still underway. successfull(3) The action described by other mem ...
- chasPowerSupply1State
- The status of power supply slot 1.
- chasPowerSupply2State
- The status of power supply slot 2.
- chasEnvrmnt1TempRange1
- This field contains the state of the temp sensor located on the Primary MPM. This is temperature sensor 0.
- chasEnvrmnt1TempRange2
- This field contains the state of the temp sensor located on the Primary MPM. This is temperature sensor 1. If the module type is mpm(5) the value returned is notPresent(2). On other MPM types a returned value of underThreshold(4) indcates that the tempera ...
- chasEnvrmnt2TempRange1
- This field contains the state of the temp sensor located on the Secondary MPM. This is temperature sensor 0.
- chasEnvrmnt2TempRange2
- This field contains the state of the temp sensor located on the Secondary MPM. This is temperature sensor 1. If there is no Secondary MPM or if the module type is mpm(5) the value returned is notPresent(2). On other MPM types a returned value of underThre ...
- chasXylanOpaque
- The Xylan proprietary status structure.
You can start network devices monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost Network Monitor right now.
Witn IPHost SNMP monitor you can monitor network performance, audit network usage, detect network faults, or inappropriate access.
The IPHost's SNMP monitor can communicate and interact with any SNMP-enabled device.