
config_operation monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - config_operation monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for config operation

tsm Operation Port Config Type
tsmOperPortConfigType (defined in TSMEXT-MIB)
The operational config-type of the port. 1 = auto. Automatically set the port's ring speed, mode and duplex parameters. 2 = fixed. Use customer defined values for the port's ring speed, mode and duplex parameters.
atmx Ces Service Config Operation Status
atmxCesSvcConfigOperStatus (defined in XYLAN-ATM-CE-MIB)
Describes the status of the active SVC. Valid values are: other - none of the types specified below establishmentInProgress - connection is not operational, but call attempts are ongoing connected - connection is currently operational retriesExhausted - retry limit has been reached and call attempts have ceased noAddressSupplied - no remote address has been configured, so no call attempts are initiated lowerLayerDown - underlying CES IWF is not operational When the entry is not 'active', the value of this object is 'other'.
Logging SNMP Notifications Config Log Operation Status
nlmConfigLogOperStatus (defined in NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB)
The operational status of this log: disabled administratively disabled operational administratively enabled and working noFilter administratively enabled but either nlmConfigLogFilterName is zero length or does not name an existing entry in snmpNotifyFilterTable
sfcs Sys Config Operation Status
sfcsSysConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the current operating condition of this switch. enabled(1) -- running disabled(2) -- not running other(3) -- none of the following pending-disable(4) -- shut-down in progress pending-enable(5) -- start-up in progress invalid-config(6) -- not running,invalid config
sfcs Sys Config Operation Time
sfcsSysConfigOperTime (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that this switch system has been in its current operational state.
sfcs Config Operation Status
sfcsConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the current operating condition of the SFCS module. enabled(1) -- running disabled(2) -- not running other(3) -- none of the following pending-disable(4) -- shut-down in progress pending-enable(5) -- start-up in progress invalid-config(6) -- not running,invalid config
sfcs Config Operation Time
sfcsConfigOperTime (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that this SFCS module has been in its current operational state.
sfcs ANIM Config Operation Status
sfcsANIMConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the operational state of the SFCS switch ANIM for this SFCS ANIM instance. enabled(1) disabled(2) other(3)
sfps Agent Bindery Config Operation Status
sfpsAgentBinderyConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfps-bindery-mib)
Operational state of the entry.
sfps Sys Config Operation Status
sfpsSysConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
Displays the operational status of the switch.
sfps Sys Config Operation Time
sfpsSysConfigOperTime (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
Displays the operation uptime of the switch.
sfps Event Log Gen Config Operation Status
sfpsEventLogGenConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfps-eventlog-mib)
The operational status of the event log.
sfps Event Log Gen Config Operation Time
sfpsEventLogGenConfigOperTime (defined in ctron-sfps-eventlog-mib)
The amount of time that the event log has been in its current operational state.
sfps In Port Config Operation Status
sfpsInPortConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Indicates the current operating condition of the SFPS on the inbound switch port for which this entry exists.
sfps In Port Config Operation Time
sfpsInPortConfigOperTime (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Indicates the elapsed time, in hundredths of a second, that sfpsInPortOperStatus has been in its current operational state on the SFPS inbound switch port for which this entry exists.
sfps Out Port Config Operation Status
sfpsOutPortConfigOperStatus (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Indicates the current operating condition of the SFPS on the outbound switch port for which this entry exists.
sfps Out Port Config Operation Time
sfpsOutPortConfigOperTime (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Indicates the elapsed time, in hundredths of a second, that sfpsOutPortOperStatus has been in its current operational state on the SFPS outbound switch port for which this entry exists.
Enterasys Config Management Change Operation
etsysConfigMgmtChangeOperation (defined in enterasys-configuration-management-mib)
The operation or operations requested. The specification of any unsupported operations SHOULD cause the entire operation to fail immediately and an appropriate error description to be generated.
Enterasys Config Management Change Operation Status
etsysConfigMgmtChangeOperStatus (defined in enterasys-configuration-management-mib)
The operational state of the configuration request. inactive - Indicates that the RowStatus of this conceptual row is not in the `active` state. pending - Indicates that the configuration change described by this row is ready to run and waiting in a queue. running - Indicates that the configuration change described by this row is running. success - Indicates that the configuration change described by this row has successfully run to completion. failure - Indicates that the configuration change described by this row has failed to run to completion.
cisco Data Link Switching T Connection Operation Config Index
ciscoDlswTConnOperConfigIndex (defined in CISCO-DLSW-MIB)
The value of ciscoDlswTConnConfigIndex of the ciscoDlswTConnConfigEntry that governs the configuration information used by this ciscoDlswTConnOperEntry. A management station can therefore normally examine both configured and operational information for this transport connection. This value is zero if the corresponding ciscoDlswTConnConfigEntry was deleted after the creation of this ciscoDlswTConnOperEntry. If some fields in the former were changed but the conceptual row was not deleted, some configuration information may not be valid for this operational transport connection. A network management application can compare ciscoDlswTConnOperConnectTime and ciscoDlswTConnConfigLastModifyTime to determine if this condition exists.
ibmdlsw T Connection Group Operation Config Index
ibmdlswTConnGroupOperConfigIndex (defined in ibm-ibmiroc)
The value of dlswTConnConfigIndex of the dlswTConnConfigEntry that governs the configuration information used by this ibmdlswTConnGroupOperEntry. A management station can therefore normally examine both configured and operational information for this multicast group.

MIBs list