
Port Address monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Port Address monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for port address

Sys Bridge Port Address Action
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressAction (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object, when read, always returns the value other(1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: freezeAddress: causes all the learned dynamic addresses to be converted into static addresses. flushAddress: causes all the addresses to be flushed from the address list for the bridge port identified by this entry. flushDynamicAddress: causes all dynamic addresses to be flushed from the address list for the bridge port identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Port Address Max Limit
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressMaxLimit (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object controls the maximum number of unicast addresses that can be learned or configured on a port. This value is set on a per port basis. The value can't be set lower than the current number of addresses on a port.
Sys Bridge Port Address State
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressState (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object returns a reason code that will indicate why a given port was disable, when a3ComDaAddressMode is set to secure.
Sys Bridge Port Address Remote Address
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressRemoteAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The remote MAC address detected on the bridge port identified by to this entry. Setting this object results in an attempt to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge, a set is only successful if the index value specified for a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressTypeIndex and a3ComSysBridgePortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
Sys Bridge Port Address Type
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressType (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object, when read, always returns the value valid(1). Setting this object to invalid(2) will remove the corresponding address entry from the table.
Sys Bridge Port Address Is Static
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIsStatic (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
A value indicating whether this MAC address was statically configured or was dynamically learned. Note that isStatic(1) is only valid for set operations.
Sys Bridge Port Address Static Port
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressStaticPort (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
If the corresponding value of the object a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIsStatic is isStatic(1), this object indicates the local bridge port index (as reported by a3ComSysBridgePortLocalIndex) for which this address MAC was statically configured. If the object a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIsStatic has the value isDynamic(2), the value of this object is 0.
Sys Bridge Port Address Age
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressAge (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object indicates the time, in seconds, elapsed since a packet containing this address as a source was last seen on the bridge port identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Vlan Index
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressVlanIndex (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The index of the vlan identified by this entry, within the bridge identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Remote Address
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressRemoteAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The remote MAC address detected on the bridge vlan port identified by to this entry. Setting this object results in an attempt to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge vlan, a set is only successful if the index value specified for a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressTypeIndex and a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Type
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressType (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object, when read, always returns the value valid(1). Setting this object to invalid(2) will remove the corresponding address entry from the table.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Age
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressAge (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
This object indicates the time, in seconds, elapsed since a packet containing this address as a source was last seen on the bridge vlan port identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Port Address Action
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressAction (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
This object, when read, always returns the value other(1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: freezeAddress: causes all the learned dynamic addresses to be converted into static addresses. flushAddress: causes all the addresses to be flushed from the address list for the bridge port identified by this entry. flushDynamicAddress: causes all dynamic addresses to be flushed from the address list for the bridge port identified by this entry.
Sys Bridge Port Address Remote Address
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressRemoteAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
The remote MAC address detected on the bridge port identified by to this entry. Setting this object results in an attempt to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge, a set is only successful if the index value specified for a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressTypeIndex and a3ComSysBridgePortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
Sys Bridge Port Address Type
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressType (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
This object, when read, always returns the value valid(1). Setting this object to invalid(2) will remove the corresponding address entry from the table.
Sys Bridge Port Address Is Static
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIsStatic (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
A value indicating whether this MAC address was statically configured or was dynamically learned. Note that isStatic(1) it the only valid for set operations.
Sys Bridge Port Address Static Port
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressStaticPort (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
If the corresponding value of the object a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIsStatic is isStatic(1), this object indicates the local bridge port index (as reported by a3ComSysBridgePortLocalIndex) for which this address MAC was statically configured. If the object a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIsStatic has the value isDynamic(2), the value of this object is 0.
Sys Bridge Port Address Age
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressAge (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
This object indicates the time, in seconds, elapsed since a packet containing this address as a source was last seen on the bridge port identified by this entry.
Sys Network Port Monitor Analyzer Address
a3ComSysNetworkPortMonitorAnalyzerAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
The physical address of the port where the analyzer, which is monitoring the port identified by this entry, is located. Setting the value of a non-existent instance of this object attempts to add an entry to the table. The effect of adding an entry to the table is to enable monitoring of the port by the analyzer specified. Setting the value of an existing instance of this object will switch the monitored port to the new analyzer address.
atmx Port Address
atmxPortAddress (defined in XYLAN-ATM-MIB)
This object should not be implemented except as required for backward compatibility with version 2.0 of the UNI specification. The Address Group, as defined as part of the separate Address Registration MIB should be used instead.
port Source Address Discards
portSrcAddressDiscards (defined in 3comab9300)
Number of frames filtered because of source address filtering
port Destination Address Discards
portDestAddressDiscards (defined in 3comab9300)
Number of frames filtered because of destination address filtering
port Mac Address
portMacAddress (defined in 3comab9300)
This is mac address of ethernet port.
Enterasys Convergence End Point Connection Port Mac Address
etsysConvEndPointConnPortMacAddress (defined in enterasys-convergence-end-point-mib)
The MAC address of the discovered or detected Convergence End Point.
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Virtual Server Virtual Address Port
etsysLsnatVserverVirtualAddressPort (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The port used when accessing this Virtual configuration. A value of '0' indicates that all ports are usable.
Enterasys Mgmd Ext Port IP Address Type
etsysMgmdExtPortIPAddressType (defined in enterasys-mgmd-ext-mib)
The type of group and source IP addresses.
Enterasys Mgmd Ext Port Table Group IP Address
etsysMgmdExtPortTableGroupIPAddress (defined in enterasys-mgmd-ext-mib)
The multicast group IP address bound to this port entry.
Enterasys Mgmd Ext Port Table Source IP Address
etsysMgmdExtPortTableSourceIPAddress (defined in enterasys-mgmd-ext-mib)
The IP source address bound to this port entry.
agent Service Port IP Address
agentServicePortIPAddress (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
The switch's Service Port IP address. (Service-port interface use is recommended instead of this group)
agent Service Port Burned In Mac Address
agentServicePortBurnedInMacAddress (defined in AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB)
The switch's Service Port Burned-In MAC address (Service-port interface in agentInterfaceConfigTable is recommended instead of this group)
Cisco ATM Forum Address Port
atmfAddressPort (defined in ATM-FORUM-ADDR-REG)
A unique value which identifies the UNI port for which the ATM address is in effect. The value of 0 has the special meaning of identifying the local UNI.
Cisco ATM Forum Port Address
atmfPortAddress (defined in ATM-FORUM-MIB)
This object should not be implemented except as required for backward compatibility with version 2.0 of the UNI specification. The Address Group, defined in theAddress Registration MIB should be used instead.
Cisco ASP Protocol Port Device Address Offset
asppPortDeviceAddressOffset (defined in CISCO-ASPP-MIB)
Specifies the byte offset within a frame, which contains the device address. This is used when the asynchronous interface is configured to use the async generic protocol handler. Because no knowledge of the protocol is built-in to the IOS, it must be told where the address field lives within the frame. That way IOS can correctly route the frames for this protocol.
Cisco BSC Port Virtual Address
bscPortVirtualAddress (defined in CISCO-BSC-MIB)
This parameter is valid for contention only. It is the address to be used for this interface when the remote peer router is being used as a concentrator. The default is 01.
Cisco 2900 Port May Learn Address
c2900PortMayLearnAddress (defined in CISCO-C2900-MIB)
This object reflects an internal state of the port with regard to its ability to learn new addresses. Certain port configurations such as learning time limit, security usage, etc., and some Spanning Tree Protocol states can temporarily prohibit the port from learning. This object is true(1) if the port is allowed to learn. It is false(2) otherwise. Setting this object to true(1) will fail, if the port is not in normal state. This object is deprecated.
Cisco 2900 Port Address Violation Action
c2900PortAddressViolationAction (defined in CISCO-C2900-MIB)
Indicates what action to take when an address violation (an address mismatch or duplication) occurs on a secure port. The default action is to do nothing. doNothing(1) : do nothing disablePort(2) : disable port; the port can only be reenabled by an explicit management action. sendNotify(3) : generate address violation notification. disablePortAndNotify(4): disable port and send notification.

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