
remote_port monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - remote_port

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for remote port

Sys Bridge Port Address Remote Address
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressRemoteAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The remote MAC address detected on the bridge port identified by to this entry. Setting this object results in an attempt to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge, a set is only successful if the index value specified for a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressTypeIndex and a3ComSysBridgePortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
Sys Bridge Vlan Port Address Remote Address
a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressRemoteAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-BRIDGE-MIB)
The remote MAC address detected on the bridge vlan port identified by to this entry. Setting this object results in an attempt to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge vlan, a set is only successful if the index value specified for a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressTypeIndex and a3ComSysBridgeVlanPortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
Sys Bridge Port Address Remote Address
a3ComSysBridgePortAddressRemoteAddress (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
The remote MAC address detected on the bridge port identified by to this entry. Setting this object results in an attempt to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge, a set is only successful if the index value specified for a3ComSysBridgePortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of a3ComSysBridgePortAddressTypeIndex and a3ComSysBridgePortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
Chassis Control Ethernet Port Remote Host
chasControlEthPortRemoteHost (defined in CHASSIS-MIB)
The IP network remote host address of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
Chassis Control Ethernet Port Remote Mask
chasControlEthPortRemoteMask (defined in CHASSIS-MIB)
The IP network remote host subnet mask of the Ethernet Mgmt. Port.
PNNIx Link Remote Port Id
pnnixLinkRemotePortId (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
Indicates the port identifier of the port at the remote end of the link as assigned by the remote node. If the pnnixLinkType is `outside link and uplink', this is the port identifier assigned by the lowest-level neighbor node to identify the outside link. If the remote port ID is unknown or if the pnnixLinkType is `uplink', this attribute is set to zero.
PNNIx Map Remote Port Id
pnnixMapRemotePortId (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
For horizontal links and uplinks, this attribute contains the port identifier of the port at the remote end of the link as assigned by the remote node. If unknown, the PNNI protocol entity sets this attribute's value to zero. For nodes, this attribute contains the port identifier of the port at the other end of the spoke or bypass from the originating port. When the originating port ID is zero, a value of zero indicates the default radius. When the originating port ID is non-zero, a value of zero indicates the nodal nucleus.
dsx1 Port Statistics Remote Frame Alarm
dsx1PortStatsRemFrameAlarm (defined in XYLAN-DS1-MIB)
Total number of Remote Frame Alarm events that have been detected on this port. This object only applies to E1 port.
dsx1 Port Statistics Remote Multi Frame Alarm
dsx1PortStatsRemMultiFrameAlarm (defined in XYLAN-DS1-MIB)
Total number of Remote MultifFame Alarm events that have been detected on this port. This object only applies to E1 port.
xylan XIP XMAP Remote Port
xylanXIPXMAPRemPort (defined in XYLAN-XIP-MIB)
The remote virtual port number in the adjacent switch.
ipv6 Tcp Connection Remote Port
ipv6TcpConnRemPort (defined in IPV6-TCP-MIB)
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
tcp Connection Remote Port
tcpConnectionRemPort (defined in TCP-MIB)
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
tcp Connection Remote Port
tcpConnRemPort (defined in TCP-MIB)
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
udp Endpoint Remote Port
udpEndpointRemotePort (defined in UDP-MIB)
The remote port number for this UDP endpoint. If datagrams from any remote system are to be accepted, this value is zero.
tcp Connection Remote Port
tcpConnRemPort (defined in rfc1213)
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
bgp Peer Remote Port
bgpPeerRemotePort (defined in rfc1269)
The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. Note that the objects bgpLocalAddr, bgpLocalPort, bgpRemoteAddr and bgpRemotePort provide the appropriate reference to the standard MIB TCP connection table.
snmp Fddi PORT Remote MAC Indicated
snmpFddiPORTRemoteMACIndicated (defined in rfc1285)
The indication, in PC-Signaling that the remote partner intends to place a MAC in the output token PATH of this PORT. Signaled as R_Val (9) (refer to ANSI SMT
IBM APPN Node Link Stations Remote Ip Port Number
ibmappnNodeLsRemoteIpPortNum (defined in rfc1593)
Remote TCP/IP port number.
bgp Peer Remote Port
bgpPeerRemotePort (defined in rfc1657)
The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. Note that the objects bgpPeerLocalAddr, bgpPeerLocalPort, bgpPeerRemoteAddr and bgpPeerRemotePort provide the appropriate reference to the standard MIB TCP connection table.
sdlc Port Statistics Remote Busies
sdlcPortStatsRemoteBusies (defined in rfc1747)
This object reflects the total number of times that the adjacent (i.e., remote) SDLC link stations on this port have entered a busy state (RNR). This object is initialized to zero when the port is created.
Cabletron Remote Physical Port Entry
ctRemPhysPortEntry (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
A physical port entry. It contains objects relating to a given physical remote access port
Cabletron Remote Physical Port Type
ctRemPhysPortType (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
The type of physical port that this entry describes. None indicates that the physical port has no connector.
Cabletron Remote Physical Port Specific Mib
ctRemPhysPortSpecificMib (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object identifies an instance of the index object in the first group of objects in the MIB specific to the physical port.
Cabletron Remote Physical Port Wan Interface Number
ctRemPhysPortWanIfaceNum (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object identifies the interface number that will be assigned to the Wanio's IFO
Cabletron Remote Ext Physical Port Entry
ctRemExtPhysPortEntry (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
A physical port entry. It contains objects relating to a given physical remote access port
sfps Incompatible Neighbor Remote Port State
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborRemotePortState (defined in ctron-sfps-topology-mib)
This switch's idea of what the neighbor's port should be
Cabletron Trunk Port Remote If Index
ctTrunkPortRemoteIfIndex (defined in ctron-smarttrunk-mib)
The ifIndex of the interface at the other end of this part of the trunk link. If this value is 0, then for some reason there is no interface on the other side of this link. This might be a temporary condition or it might represent a real problem. Note: this table is indexed by ifIndex. So the index is the local ifIndex value and ctTrunkPortRemoteIfIndex is the remote ifIndex.
bsn Remote Udp Port
bsnRemoteUdpPort (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
bgp Peer Remote Port
bgpPeerRemotePort (defined in BGP4-MIB)
The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. Note that the objects bgpPeerLocalAddr, bgpPeerLocalPort, bgpPeerRemoteAddr and bgpPeerRemotePort provide the appropriate reference to the standard MIB TCP connection table.
Cisco's Airline protocol support Remote Peer Remote Port
alpsRemPeerRemotePort (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
The port number used by the remote end of the tcp connection for the circuit. the initiator of a connection will dynamically assign a port number. the other end of the connection will have a well-known port number applicable to the encapsulation used by the connection - e.g. the value of alpsPeerLocalAtpPort for ATP connections. If this connection was initiated by the local router, a port number will be dynamically selected. Otherwise the value of alpsPeerLocalAtpPort will be used (for ATP connections)
Cisco's Airline protocol support Remote Peer Connection Foreign Port
alpsRemPeerConnForeignPort (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
The foreign (remote) TCP port number used by the underlying TCP connection to an ALPS remote peer.
CISCO BGP4 Peer2 Remote Port
cbgpPeer2RemotePort (defined in CISCO-BGP4-MIB)
The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. Note that the objects cbgpPeer2LocalAddr, cbgpPeer2LocalPort, cbgpPeer2RemoteAddr, and cbgpPeer2RemotePort provide the appropriate reference to the standard MIB TCP connection table.
ccttActiveRemoteTcpPort (defined in CISCO-CALL-TRACKER-TCP-MIB)
TCP port number for remote endpoint of the call's TCP connection. This object has the same value as tcpConnRemPort from TCP-MIB. REFERENCE "RFC 2012 TCP-MIB
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Tcp Connection Remote Port
cipTcpConnRemPort (defined in CISCO-CIPTCPIP-MIB)
The remote port number for this TCP connection.

MIBs list