
server_status monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - server_status monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for "server status"

Network Q Server Status
nwQServerStatus (defined in NetWare-Server-MIB)
The status of the Queue Server.
Acme Packet ENUM Server Status Table
apENUMServerStatusTable (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
A read-only table to hold the status of configured ENUM servers, indexed by the name of the enum server and server IP.
Acme Packet ENUM Server Status Entry
apENUMServerStatusEntry (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
An entry designed to hold the status of a single ENUM server
Acme Packet ENUM Server Status
apENUMServerStatus (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The status of this ENUM server.
Acme Packet LDAP Server Status Table
apLDAPServerStatusTable (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
A read-only table to hold the status of configured LDAP servers, indexed by server IP.
Acme Packet LDAP Server Status Entry
apLDAPServerStatusEntry (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
An entry designed to hold the status of a single LDAP server
Acme Packet LDAP Server Status
apLDAPServerStatus (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
The status of this LDAP server.
Acme Packet Sys Management ENUM Server Status Group
apSysMgmtENUMServerStatusGroup (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
Report the status of configured ENUM servers.
Acme Packet Sys Management LDAP Server Status Group
apSysMgmtLDAPServerStatusGroup (defined in APSYSMGMT-MIB)
Objects to monitor NS/EP sessions.
World Wide Packets 8021 x Radius Server Status
wwp8021xRadiusServerStatus (defined in WWP-8021X-MIB)
To create a row in this table, a manager must set this object to either createAndGo(4). A row in the WwpRadiusServerEntry can't be set to active until wwpRadiusServerIpAddr has been set to valid value. To disable a Radius server , the operator can set this object to 'notInSerVice' state.
pap Server Status
papServerStatus (defined in rfc1742)
The status string of this server. This is the message as it would appear in a PAP Status Reply from this server.
ssh Server Status
sshServerStatus (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
to 1 to enable SSH server, set this value to 2 to disable the SSH server.
Enterasys Radius Accounting Client Server Status
etsysRadiusAcctClientServerStatus (defined in enterasys-radius-acct-client-ext-mib)
Lets users create and delete RADIUS Accounting server entries on systems that support this capability. Rules 1. When creating a RADIUS Accounting Client, it is up to the management station to determine a suitable etsysRadiusAcctClientServerIndex. To facilitate interoperability, agents should not put any restrictions on the etsysRadiusAcctClientServerIndex beyond the obvious ones that it be valid and unused. 2. Before a new row can become 'active', values must be supplied for the columnar objects etsysRadiusAcctClientClientServerAddress, and etsysRadiusAcctClientServerSecret. 3. The value of etsysRadiusAcctClientServerStatus must be set to 'notInService' in order to modify a writable object in the same conceptual row. 4. etsysRadiusAcctClientServer entries whose status is 'notReady' or 'notInService' will not be used for Accounting.
Enterasys Radius Authentication Client Server Status Encrypt
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatusEncrypt (defined in enterasys-radius-auth-client-encrypt-mib)
Lets users create and delete RADIUS authentication server entries on systems that support this capability. Rules 1. When creating a RADIUS Authentication Client, it is up to the management station to determine a suitable etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt. To facilitate interoperability, agents should not put any restrictions on the etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt beyond the obvious ones that it be valid and unused. 2. Before a new row can become 'active', values must be supplied for the columnar objects etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddressEncrypt, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumberEncrypt and etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEncrypt. 3. The value of etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatusEncrypt must be set to 'notInService' in order to modify a writable object in the same conceptual row. 4. etsysRadiusAuthClientServer entries whose status is 'notReady' or 'notInService' will not be used for authentication.
Enterasys Radius Authentication Client Server Status
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatus (defined in enterasys-radius-auth-client-mib)
The row status of this conceptual row in the table. active - The server is available for performing RADIUS operations. Other writable leaves in this row MUST NOT be modified while the row is in the active state. notInService - The entry is fully configured but is not available for performing RADIUS operations. Conceptual rows with this status MAY be deleted at the discretion of the agent, at which time it will be treated as if destroy(6) was SET to this object. notReady - The entry exists in the agent, but is missing information necessary in order to be available for use by the managed device (i.e., one or more required columns in the conceptual row have not been instantiated); createAndGo - Not possible. createAndWait - Creates a new instance of a conceptual row, but does not make it available for use by the managed device. destroy - This will remove the conceptual row from the table and make it unavailable for RADIUS client operations. This MUST also cause any persistent data related to this row to be removed from the system. Maintaining active(1) entries across agent reboots is REQUIRED.
Enterasys Sntp Client U Server Status
etsysSntpClientUServerStatus (defined in enterasys-sntp-client-mib)
The row status of this conceptual row in the table. active - The server is available for use in SNTP client operations. Other writable leaves in this table MAY be modified while the row is in the active state. notInService - The entry is fully configured but is not available for use in SNTP client operations. Conceptual rows with this status MAY be deleted at the discretion of the agent, at which time it will be treated as if destroy(6) was SET to this object. createAndGo - This is the preferred mechanism for creating conceptual rows in this table. All writable leaves have default values so createAndGo will always transition a new entry to the active state. destroy - This will remove the conceptual row from the table and make it unavailable for SNTP client operations. This MUST also cause any persistent data related to this row to be removed from the system. Maintaining active(1) entries across agent reboots is REQUIRED.
Enterasys Tacacs Client Server Status
etsysTacacsClientServerStatus (defined in enterasys-tacacs-client-mib)
Lets users create and delete TACACS+ server entries on systems that support this capability. Rules 1. When creating a TACACS+ client, it is up to the management station to determine a suitable etsysTacacsClientServerIndex. To facilitate interoperability, agents should not put any restrictions on the etsysTacacsClientServerIndex beyond the obvious ones that it be valid and unused. 2. Before a new row can become 'active', values must be supplied for the columnar objects etsysTacacsClientServerAddress and etsysTacacsClientServerSecret. 3. The value of etsysTacacsClientServerStatus MAY need to be set to 'notInService' in order to modify a writable object in the same conceptual row. 4. etsysTacacsClientServer entries whose status is 'notReady' or 'notInService' will not be used for authentication.
bsn Radius Authentication Server Status
bsnRadiusAuthServerStatus (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Server enable or disable status.
bsn Radius Accounting Server Status
bsnRadiusAccServerStatus (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Server enable or disable status.
Cisco Call Home Smtp Server Status Time Stamp
ccmSmtpServerStatusTimeStamp (defined in CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB)
This object indicates the time when ccmSmtpServerStatusTable was last updated, either by a SNMP Servers check by ccmSmtpServerStatusInitiate or by a change in the SMTP servers configured in ccmSmtpServersTable.
Cisco Call Home Smtp Server Status Initialization
ccmSmtpServerStatusInitiate (defined in CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB)
A control object used to initiate the availability status check of the SMTP Servers configured in ccmSmtpServersTable. Setting this object to 'true' will check the status of the SMTP servers and update the status in ccmSmtpServerStatusTable. This object cannot be set to 'true' when the value of ccmSmtpServerStatusResult is 'inprogress'. Setting this object to 'false' has no effect. When read, this object always returns 'false'.
Cisco Call Home Smtp Server Status Result
ccmSmtpServerStatusResult (defined in CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB)
This object provides the status of the last SMTP status check initiated by ccmSmtpServerStatusInitiate. Management stations could read value of this object after a successful set of the ccmSmtpServerStatusInitiate object to find out the result of the SMTP server status check.
Cisco Call Home Smtp Server Status Table
ccmSmtpServerStatusTable (defined in CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB)
A list of SMTP servers. An entry will exist for each SMTP server which is configured in the ccmSmtpServersTable if the value of ccmSmtpServerStatusResult is 'successful'.
Cisco Call Home Smtp Server Status Entry
ccmSmtpServerStatusEntry (defined in CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB)
An entry containing availability status of a particular SMTP Server.
Cisco Call Home Smtp Server Status Availability
ccmSmtpServerStatusAvailability (defined in CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB)
This variable indicates whether the SMTP Server is currently available.
Cisco Call Home Smtp Server Status Group
ccmSmtpServerStatusGroup (defined in CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB)
A collection of object(s) providing information regarding status availability of Call Home Smtp Servers.
Cisco Contact Center Applications Dialer Cti Server Status
cccaDialerCtiServerStatus (defined in CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB)
The dialer CTI server status indicates the current connection status between this dialer and the active CTI server component.
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Scheduler Email Server Status
cuicSchedulerEmailServerStatus (defined in CISCO-CUICAPPS-MIB)
This object indicates the status of the emailing server. The Report Scheduler allows users to run reports at some time in future. Either once or periodically and have the report results be delivered via email.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Server Status
cdmsServerStatus (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
This object is used to manage creation, deletion and modification of external servers in this table.
Cisco DNS Client DNS Server Status
cdcDNSServerStatus (defined in CISCO-DNS-CLIENT-MIB)
The Status of this row.

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