
tftp_server monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - tftp_server monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for tftp server

pw Tftp Server
pwTftpServer (defined in ZYXEL-NWA-SERIES)
TFTP download server IP Address.
pw Tftp Server
pwTftpServer (defined in ZYXEL-PROWIRELESS-MIB)
TFTP download server IP Address.
cmm TFTP Server
cmmTFTPServer (defined in ct-cmmphys-mib)
The value of this object is the IP address of the TFTP server where the object code for CMM modules resides. This object is persistent.
Cabletron DL Tftp Server Gateway IP Address
ctDLTftpServerGatewayIPAddress (defined in ctron-download-mib)
The IP address of the gateway/router which connects this SNMP agent to the TFTP server.
tftp Download Server IP
tftpDownloadServerIP (defined in els100-s24tx2m-mib)
The IP address of a TFTP server from which a firmware image can be downloaded.
file Copy Tftp Server
fileCopyTftpServer (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
The IP address of the TFTP server for transfer when a download is next requested via this MIB. This value is set to '' when no IP address has been specified. If neither fileCopySrcOperType nor fileCopyDestOperType is tftp(4), this variable can be ignored.
file Copy Tftp Server Host Name
fileCopyTftpServerHostName (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
The IP address or DNS of the TFTP server for transfer when a download is next requested via this MIB. This value is set to '' when no IP address has been specified. If neither fileCopySrcOperType nor fileCopyDestOperType is tftp(4), this variable can be ignored.
Cisco Call Applications Application Interface TFTP Server
ccapAppIntfTFTPServer (defined in CISCO-CALL-APPLICATION-MIB)
The name or IP address of this TFTP server.
agent Ip Tftp Server Address
agentIpTftpServerAddr (defined in AGENT-GENERAL-MIB)
The IP address of the TFTP Server.
agent Ip Tftp Server Address
agentIpTftpServerAddr (defined in AGENT-MIB)
The IP Address of TFTP Server.

MIBs list