time_state - SNMP monitoring

MIBs list

SNMP OIDs - time_state

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for time state

IBM APPN Node Link Stations Current State Time
ibmappnNodeLsCurrentStateTime (defined in rfc1593)
The time (in hundredth of seconds) the link station is in the current state.
sna Lu Rtm State Time
snaLuRtmStateTime (defined in rfc1666)
The timestamp (e.g., the Agent's sysUpTime value) when this session's RTM state (e.g., snaLuRtmState) changes value.
sfps Call Processor Resources Table State Time
sfpsCPResourcesTableStateTime (defined in ctron-sfps-base-mib)
The last time that this Call Processor has changed states.
sfps Sap Table State Time
sfpsSapTableStateTime (defined in ctron-sfps-call-mib)
Total number of SFPSElements stored in NVRAM for persistence.
Token Ring Port Station Port Link State Time
tRingPortStnPortLinkStateTime (defined in dot5-log-mib)
This object reports the amount of time in TimeTicks since the port's link state last changed.
Token Ring Port Ring Fault State Time
tRingPortRingFaultStateTime (defined in dot5-log-mib)
This object reports the amount of time in TimeTicks since the ring port fault state last changed.
dot5 Physical Management Port Station Port Link State Time
dot5PhysMgmtPortStnPortLinkStateTime (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
This object reports the amount of time in TimeTicks since the token ring station port's link state last changed.
dot5 Physical Management Port Ring Fault State Time
dot5PhysMgmtPortRingFaultStateTime (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
This object reports the amount of time in TimeTicks since the token ring ring port fault state last changed.
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Server farm Last State Change Date And Time
etsysLsnatServerfarmLastStateChangeDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The date / time the last LSNAT Server farm state change.
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Real Server Last State Change Date And Time
etsysLsnatRealServerLastStateChangeDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The date / time the last LSNAT Real server state change.
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Virtual Server Last State Change Date And Time
etsysLsnatVserverLastStateChangeDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The date / time the last LSNAT Virtual server state change.
Enterasys Twcb Webcache Server farm Last State Change Date And Time
etsysTwcbWcServerfarmLastStateChangeDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-twcb-mib-2)
The date / time the of last TWCB Webcache Server farm state change.
Enterasys Twcb Cache Server Last State Change Date And Time
etsysTwcbCacheServerLastStateChangeDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-twcb-mib-2)
The date / time the of last TWCB Cache Server state change.
Enterasys Twcb Webcache Server Last State Change Date And Time
etsysTwcbWebcacheServerLastStateChangeDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-twcb-mib-2)
The date / time of the last TWCB Webcache Server state change.
appn Link Station Current State Time
appnLsCurrentStateTime (defined in APPN-MIB)
The amount of time, measured in hundredths of a second, that the link station has been in its current state.
cisco Data Link Switching Circuit State Time
ciscoDlswCircuitStateTime (defined in CISCO-DLSW-MIB)
The value of ciscoDlswUpTime when this circuit entered the current state.
Cisco DSPU Pu Operation Last State Change Time
dspuPuOperLastStateChgTime (defined in CISCO-DSPU-MIB)
TimeStamp of last PU state change between active<->inactive.
ibm Hpr Ncl Globe Control State Time
ibmHprNclGlobeCtrStateTime (defined in ibm-hprncl)
The timestamp (i.e., the Agent's appnNodeUpTime value) when the ibmHprNclGlobeCtrState object was last changed. This time is in hundredths of a second.
Juniper Collector Pic If State Change Time
jnxCollPicIfStateChangeTime (defined in JUNIPER-COLLECTOR-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when the management subsystem last learned of a change to the value of jnxCollPicIfCurrentState for this Collector PIC.
dlsw Circuit State Time
dlswCircuitStateTime (defined in DLSW-MIB)
The amount of time (in hundredths of a second) since this circuit entered the current state.
cpim Ext State Refresh Time To Live
cpimExtStateRefreshTimeToLive (defined in CISCO-IETF-PIM-EXT-MIB)
The TTL to be used by this router's originated State Refresh messages if the data packet's TTL is not recorded.
Round Trip Time Monitor Control Operational State
rttMonCtrlOperState (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
The RttMonOperStatus object is used to manage the 'state' of the probe that is implementing conceptual RTT control row. This status object has six defined values: reset(1) - reset this entry, transition to 'pending' orderlyStop(2) - shutdown this entry at the end of the next RTT operation attempt, transition to 'inactive' immediateStop(3) - shutdown this entry immediately (if possible), transition to 'inactive' pending(4) - this value is not settable and this conceptual RTT control row is waiting for further control either via the rttMonScheduleAdminTable or the rttMonReactAdminTable/ rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable; This object can transition to this value via two mechanisms, first by reseting this object, and second by creating a conceptual Rtt control row with the rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime object with the its special value inactive(5) - this value is not settable and this conceptual RTT control row is waiting for further control via the rttMonScheduleAdminTable; This object can transition to this value via two mechanisms, first by setting this object to 'orderlyStop' or 'immediateStop', second by the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object reaching zero active(6) - this value is not settable and this conceptual RTT control row is currently active restart(7) - this value is only settable when the state is active. It clears the data of this entry and remain on active state. The probes action when this object is set to 'reset': - all rows in rttMonStatsCaptureTable that relate to this conceptual RTT control row are destroyed and the indices are set to 1 - if rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups is not zero, a single new rttMonStatsCaptureTable row is created - all rows in rttMonHistoryCaptureTable that relate to this RTT definition are destroyed and the indices are set to 1 - implied history used for timeout or threshold notification (see rttMonReactAdminThresholdType or rttMonReactThresholdType) is purged - rttMonCtrlOperRttLife is set to rttMonScheduleAdminRttLife - rttMonCtrlOperNumRtts is set to zero - rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred, rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred, and rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred are set to false; if this causes a change in the value of either of these objects, resolution notifications will not occur - the next RTT operation is controlled by the objects in the rttMonScheduleAdminTable or the rttMonReactAdminTable/rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable - if the rttMonReactTriggerOperState is 'active', it will transition to 'pending' - all rttMonReactTriggerAdminEntries pointing to this conceptual entry with their rttMonReactTriggerOperState object 'active', will transition their OperState to 'pending' - all open connections must be maintained This can be used to synchronize various RTT definitions, so that the RTT requests occur simultaneously, or as simultaneously as possible. The probes action when this object transitions to 'inactive' (via setting this object to 'orderlyStop' or 'immediateStop' or by rttMonCtrlOperRttLife reaching zero): - all statistics and history collection information table entries will be closed and kept - implied history used for timeout or threshold notification (see rttMonReactAdminThresholdType or rttMonReactThresholdType) is purged - rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred, rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred, and rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred are set to false; if this causes a change in the value of either of these objects, resolution notifications will not occur. - the next RTT request is controlled by the objects in the rttMonScheduleAdminTable - if the rttMonReactTriggerOperState is 'active', it will transition to 'pending' (this denotes that the Trigger will be ready the next time this object goes active) - all rttMonReactTriggerAdminEntries pointing to this conceptual entry with their rttMonReactTriggerOperState object 'active', will transition their OperState to 'pending' - all open connections are to be closed and cleanup. rttMonCtrlOperState STATE +-------------------------------------------+ | A | B | C | ACTION | 'pending' | 'inactive' | 'active' | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | OperState set | noError |inconsistent- | noError | | to 'reset' | | Value | | | | -> A | | -> A | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | OperState set | noError | noError | noError | |to 'orderlyStop'| -> B | -> B | -> B | | or to | | | | |'immediateStop' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | Event causes | -> C | -> B | -> C | | Trigger State | | | see (3) | | to transition | | | | | to 'active' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> C | -> C | see (1) | | transitions to | | | | | 'active' & | | | | | RttStartTime is| | | | | special value | | | | | of one. | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> A | -> A | see (1) | | transitions to | | | | | 'active' & | | | | | RttStartTime is| | | | | special value | | | | | of less than | | | | | current time, | | | | | excluding one. | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> A | -> B | see (2) | | transitions to | | | | | 'notInService' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> B | -> B | -> B | | transitions to | | | | | 'delete' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus is | -> C | -> C | -> C | | 'active' & the | | | see (3) | | RttStartTime | | | | | arrives | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | RowAgeout | -> B | -> B | -> B | | expires | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | OperRttLife | N/A | N/A | -> B | | counts down to | | | | | zero | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ (1) - rttMonCtrlOperState must have transitioned to 'inactive' or 'pending' before the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus can transition to 'active'. See (2). (2) - rttMonCtrlAdminStatus cannot transition to 'notInService' unless rttMonCtrlOperState has been previously forced to 'inactive' or 'pending'. (3) - when this happens the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife will not be updated with the rttMonCtrlAdminRttLife. NOTE: In order for all objects in a PDU to be set at the same time, this object can not be part of a multi-bound PDU.
Round Trip Time Monitor Latest Jitter Operational NTP State
rttMonLatestJitterOperNTPState (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
A value of sync(1) means sender and responder was in sync with NTP. The NTP sync means the total of NTP offset on sender and responder is within configured tolerance level.
Round Trip Time Monitor React Trigger Operational State
rttMonReactTriggerOperState (defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB)
This object takes on the value active when its associated entry in the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable has been triggered. When the associated entry in the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable is not under a trigger state, this object will be pending. When this object is in the active state this entry can not be retriggered.
Cisco Server Load Balancing Ft State Change Time
cslbxFtStateChangeTime (defined in CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB)
The time of the last change in the current Fault Tolerance state of the SLB device.
Cisco 3G Current1x Round Trip Time Channel State
c3gCurrent1xRttChannelState (defined in CISCO-WAN-3G-MIB)
Current 1xRTT channel state. Indicates whether the modem is scanning or has acquired the channel.
sw JWAC Authentication State Remain Time
swJWACAuthStateRemainTime (defined in JWAC-MIB)
Specifies the remaining JWAC host aging time/ block time. When host's authentication state is 'authenticated' in swJWACAuthStateAuthStatus, this object indicates the host's aging time, the units is minutes. When host's authentication state is 'blocked' in swJWACAuthStateAuthStatus, this object indicates the host's block time, the units is seconds. 0 indicates the authenticated host on the port will never age out. ::= { swJWACAuthStateEntry 12 } SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "seconds Specifies the JWAC host idle time in seconds. 0 indicates the idle state of the authenticated host on the port will never be checked. ::= { swJWACAuthStateEntry 14 } SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Specifies the user name who starts the authentication process.
time Of Last State Summ Table Change
timeOfLastStateSummTableChange (defined in Nortel-Magellan-Passport-StateSummaryMIB)
The value of sysUpTime at the time that an entry in the compClassTable detected a change.
time Of Last State Status Change
timeOfLastStateStatusChange (defined in Nortel-Magellan-Passport-StateSummaryMIB)
The value of sysUpTime when an OsiState or OsiStateStatus change was detected for the component class. Currently monitored attributes include: AdminState, OperationalState, AvailabilityStatus and AlarmStatus.
time Server State Table
timeServerStateTable (defined in Nortel-Magellan-Passport-TimeMIB)
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all the values and state combinations described here are supported by every component which uses this group. For component-specific information and the valid state combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and Maintenance Guide.
time Server State Entry
timeServerStateEntry (defined in Nortel-Magellan-Passport-TimeMIB)
An entry in the timeServerStateTable.
time Server Admin State
timeServerAdminState (defined in Nortel-Magellan-Passport-TimeMIB)
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component. The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock - force command has been previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle. The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down. The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this component.
time Server Operational State
timeServerOperationalState (defined in Nortel-Magellan-Passport-TimeMIB)
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component. The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service. The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
time Server Usage State
timeServerUsageState (defined in Nortel-Magellan-Passport-TimeMIB)
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component. The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use. The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to provide for additional users. The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
sna Lu Rtm State Time
snaLuRtmStateTime (defined in SNA-NAU-MIB)
The timestamp (e.g., the Agent's sysUpTime value) when this session's RTM state (e.g., snaLuRtmState) changes value.
clr Red State Change Time
clrRedStateChangeTime (defined in CISCO-L4L7MODULE-REDUNDANCY-MIB)
The time of the last change in the current redundancy state.
clr Redundancy State Change Time
clrRedundancyStateChangeTime (defined in CISCO-L4L7MODULE-REDUNDANCY-MIB)
The time of the last change in the current redundancy state.

MIBs list