
statistics_reset monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - statistics_reset

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for statistics reset

GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Time Reset
gwiaStatTimeReset (defined in GWIAMIB)
Time since statistics were reset on GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise Internet Agent Action Reset Statistics
gwiaActionResetStats (defined in GWIAMIB)
Reset GroupWise Internet Agent statistics.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Time Reset
gwsmtpStatTimeReset (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
Time since statistics were reset on SMTP Gateway.
GroupWise SMTP Action Reset Statistics
gwsmtpActionResetStats (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
Reset the SMTP gateway statistics.
xylan Ntp Statistics Statistics Reset
xylanNtpStatsStatReset (defined in XYLAN-NTP-MIB)
local NTP server has been restarted.
xylan Ntp Statistics Reset
xylanNtpStatsReset (defined in XYLAN-NTP-MIB)
subsystems: 0x01 - all peers 0x02 - i/o 0x04 - system 0x08 - memory 0x10 - timer 0x20 - authentication 0x40 - control
port Statistics Reset Time Date
portStatsResetTimeDate (defined in 3comab9300)
This object indicates the last time and date the ATM statistics were cleared for the specified port.
ctx ATM Statistics Reset Statistics
ctxATMStatsResetStats (defined in 3comab9300)
This object will (1) clear the ATM statistics counters and (2) initialize the reset time and date to the current time and date for the specified ATM VC connection. NOTE: A value of '2' is returned for any attempted reads of this object.
ds3 Port Reset Statistics
ds3PortResetStats (defined in C-PRODUCT-DS3-MIB)
This field is used to reset the atm statistics for the ds3 port. If a get is performed on this command, the result will always be zero
e3 Port Reset Statistics
e3PortResetStats (defined in C-PRODUCT-E3-MIB)
This field is used to reset the atm statistics for the e3 port. If a get is performed on this command, the result will always be zero
x25 Statistics Reset Timeouts
x25StatResetTimeouts (defined in rfc1382)
The number of times the T22 reset timer expired.
cmm Reset Modem Statistics
cmmResetModemStats (defined in ct-cmmphys-mib)
This object is used to reset the statistics pertaining to the selected modem. If written with the value 'true', the statistics will be reset. If written with the value 'false', no action will be taken. Its value will always be read as 'false'.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Snooping Statistics Reset
ctAgentDhcpSnoopingStatsReset (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpsnooping-mib)
Clear the DHCP snooping statistics on all ports. A value of reset(1) is used to reset the statistics. A read on this object will always return the value none(0). The value none(0) cannot be forcibly set by the administrator.
Cabletron Aagent Dai Statistics Reset
ctAagentDaiStatsReset (defined in ct-fastpath-dynamic-arp-inspection-mib)
Clear the DAI statistics on all vlans. A value of reset(1) is used to reset the statistics. A read on this object will always return the value none(0). The value none(0) cannot be forcibly set by the administrator.
sfcs Statistics Engine Reset
sfcsStatsEngineReset (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Resets the SFCS switch counters for this SFCS module. Writing a value of reset(2) resets the SFCS switch counters to 0 and causes sfcsStatsEngineOperTime to also be reset to 0. other(1) reset(2)
sfps Sys Statistics Reset
sfpsSysStatsReset (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
Resets the SFPS switch counters for this SFPS switch instance. Writing a value of reset(2) resets the SFPS switch counters to 0 and causes sfpsSysStatsOperTime to also be reset to 0.
sfps In Port Statistics Reset
sfpsInPortStatsReset (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Resets the SFPS packet and byte counters on the inbound SFPS switch port for which this entry exists.
sfps Out Port Statistics Reset
sfpsOutPortStatsReset (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Resets the SFPS packet and byte counters on the outbound SFPS switch port for which this entry exists.
sfps Resolve Statistics Reset Statistics
sfpsResolveStatsResetStats (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
sfps Mobility Statistics Reset Counters
sfpsMobilityStatsResetCounters (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
Token Ring Statistics Reset Counters
tRingStatsResetCounters (defined in dot5-log-mib)
This object, when written with the value resetCounters, would reset all of this MIB's counter objects associated with the stations on this ring. This in turn resets all of this MIB's counter objects associated with this ring. Writing this object with the value noResetCounters has no effect. When read, this object returns noResetCounters.
Token Ring Statistics Reset Time
tRingStatsResetTime (defined in dot5-log-mib)
This object reports the time in TimeTicks that this ring's statistical counters were last reset via the tRingStatsResetCounters command. If the counters have not been reset, this value is zero.
rbtws Ap Status Radio Operational Statistics Reset Count
rbtwsApStatRadioOpStatsResetCount (defined in rbtws-ap-status-mib)
Number of reset operations for this radio.
rbtws Ap Status Radio Operational Statistics Mac Reset Count
rbtwsApStatRadioOpStatsMacResetCount (defined in rbtws-ap-status-mib)
Number of reset operations for this radio.
bsn Mobility Statistics Reset
bsnMobilityStatsReset (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Reset mobility statistics by setting this atribute to resetNow. If you try to read this attribute value will always be 0.
ALTIGA Ppp Statistics Mppc Mppe Reset
alPppStatsMppcMppeReset (defined in ALTIGA-PPP-STATS-MIB)
The reset MPPC and MPPE counts for this session.
Cisco Intrusion Detection System Health Sensor Statistics Reset Time
cidsHealthSensorStatsResetTime (defined in CISCO-CIDS-MIB)
The value of SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime when the Sensor specific statistics was reset. The reset time is collectively for the following objects: cidsHealthPacketLoss, cidsHealthPacketDenies, cidsHealthAlarmsGenerated, cidsHealthFragmentsInFRU, cidsHealthDatagramsInFRU, cidsHealthTcpEmbryonicStreams, cidsHealthTcpEstablishedStreams, cidsHealthTcpClosingStreams, cidsHealthTcpStreams

MIBs list