
time_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - time_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for time statistics

ACS server If Statistics Resv Time Outs
acsIfStatsResvTimeOuts (defined in ACSServer-MIB)
This is the total number of Reservations which have timed out in this ACS Server
ACS server If Statistics Path Time Outs
acsIfStatsPathTimeOuts (defined in ACSServer-MIB)
This is the total number of Path states which have timed out in this ACS Server
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Time Reset
gwiaStatTimeReset (defined in GWIAMIB)
Time since statistics were reset on GroupWise Internet Agent.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Time Reset
gwsmtpStatTimeReset (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
Time since statistics were reset on SMTP Gateway.
xylan Ntp Statistics Peer Bad Reference Time
xylanNtpStatsPeerBadRefTime (defined in XYLAN-NTP-MIB)
The number of bad reference times received.
sim Port Clear Statistics Time
simPortClrStatTime (defined in 3comab9300)
The time when the last statistics was clear.
sim New Atm Vc Clear Statistics Time
simNewAtmVcClrStatTime (defined in 3comab9300)
The time when the last statistics was clear.
sim Lmi Clear Statistics Time
simLmiClrStatTime (defined in 3comab9300)
The time when the last LMI statistics was cleared. This object applies when LMI protocol is not 'none'.
port Statistics Reset Time Date
portStatsResetTimeDate (defined in 3comab9300)
This object indicates the last time and date the ATM statistics were cleared for the specified port.
token Ring Mac-Layer Statistics Beacon Time
tokenRingMLStatsBeaconTime (defined in rfc1513)
The total amount of time that the ring has been in the beaconing state.
Cabletron Alias Table Statistics Purge Time
ctAliasTableStatsPurgeTime (defined in ctron-alias-mib)
System time of the most recent purge.
Cabletron FDDI Statistics Time Stamp
ctFDDIStatsTimeStamp (defined in ctron-fddi-stat-mib)
The value of sysUpTime when this entry was created.
Cabletron Nat Connection Statistics Time Since Use
ctNatConnStatsTimeSinceUse (defined in ctron-nat-mib)
This is the time in seconds since the last packet was sent or received on this active connection.
sfcs Statistics Engine Operation Time
sfcsStatsEngineOperTime (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that the SFCS switch statistics have been active for this switch module.
sfps Sys Statistics Operation Time
sfpsSysStatsOperTime (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that the SFPS switch statistics have been active for this SFPS swtich instance.
sfps In Port Statistics Operation Time
sfpsInPortStatsOperTime (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that the port-specific SFPS packet and byte counters have been active on the inbound SFPS switch port for which this entry exists.
sfps Out Port Statistics Operation Time
sfpsOutPortStatsOperTime (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that the port-specific SFPS packet and byte counters have been active on the outbound SFPS switch port for which this entry exists.
sfps Resolve Statistics Average Response Time
sfpsResolveStatsAvgResponseTime (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
sfps Resolve Statistics Max Response Time
sfpsResolveStatsMaxResponseTime (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
sfps Mobility Statistics New User Retry Time
sfpsMobilityStatsNewUserRetryTime (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
sfps Unresolve Table Statistics Average Request Time
sfpsUnresolveTableStatsAvgReqTime (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The average time in 10 msec units between unresolved requests seen by the server.
sfps Block Resolve Statistics Average Request Time
sfpsBlockResolveStatsAvgReqTime (defined in ctron-sfps-resolve-mib)
The average time in 10 msec units between resolve requests seen by the server. It is computed by dividing sysUpTime by sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalReqSeen.
vlan Sflsp LSP Statistics Current Time Us
vlanSflspLSPStatsCurTimeUs (defined in ctron-sfps-sflsp-mib)
vlan Sflsp LSP Statistics Max Time Occurred
vlanSflspLSPStatsMaxTimeOccurred (defined in ctron-sfps-sflsp-mib)
Token Ring Statistics Ring Poll Failure Last NNI Frame Time
tRingStatsRingPollFailureLastNNIFrameTime (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the timestamp of the last time a Neighbor Notification Complete MAC frame was received since the last time this object was reset. A value of zero indicates that no NNI frame was received.
Token Ring Statistics Reset Time
tRingStatsResetTime (defined in dot5-log-mib)
This object reports the time in TimeTicks that this ring's statistical counters were last reset via the tRingStatsResetCounters command. If the counters have not been reset, this value is zero.
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation Statistics Clear Date And Time
etsysLsnatStatsClearDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The date / time the LSNAT statistics were cleared.
Enterasys Nat Statistics Clear Date And Time
etsysNatStatsClearDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-nat-mib)
The date / time the NAT statistics were cleared.
Enterasys Twcb Statistics Clear Date And Time
etsysTwcbStatsClearDateAndTime (defined in enterasys-twcb-mib-2)
The date / time the TWCB statistics was cleared.
Address Statistics Held Time Left
alAddressStatsHeldTimeLeft (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
Amount of time left, in second, before the address can be assigned.
Address Statistics Group Held Time Left
alAddressStatsGrpHeldTimeLeft (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
Amount of time left, in second, before the address can be assigned.
ALTIGA Dhcp Statistics Session Up Time
alDhcpStatsSessUpTime (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-STATS-MIB)
The total length of time that this session has had active lease(s).
ALTIGA Filter Statistics Start Time
alFilterStatsStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-FILTER-STATS-MIB)
Start time the filter became active.
ALTIGA Http Statistics Session Start Time
alHttpStatsSessionStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-HTTP-STATS-MIB)
Login time of this session.
ALTIGA Http Statistics Session Login Time
alHttpStatsSessionLoginTime (defined in ALTIGA-HTTP-STATS-MIB)
time_t value of the concentrator at the start of this session.
Statistics If Connect Time
alPPPoEStatsIfConnectTime (defined in ALTIGA-PPPOE-STATS-MIB)
Time_t of when the session was established.
ALTIGA Ssh Statistics Session Start Time
alSshStatsSessionStartTime (defined in ALTIGA-SSH-STATS-MIB)
Login time of this session.
ALTIGA Ssh Statistics Session Login Time
alSshStatsSessionLoginTime (defined in ALTIGA-SSH-STATS-MIB)
time_t value of the concentrator at the start of this session.
Cisco ATM Statistics Create Time
atmStatsCreateTime (defined in ATM-RMON-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this entry was created. This can be used by the management station to ensure that the entry has not been deleted and recreated between polls.
Cisco ATM Statistics Connection Time
atmStatsConnTime (defined in ATM-RMON-MIB)
The elapsed time of all calls identified by the associated instance of the atmStatsNumCallAttempts object. Note that point-to-multipoint calls are counted only once, regardless of the number of leafs participating in the call.
Cisco Catalyst 6000 Crossbar Statistics Peak Time In Utilization
cc6kxbarStatisticsPeakTmInUtil (defined in CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB.)
Indicates the time of most recent change in the corresponding instance value of cc6kxbarStatisticsPeakInUtil.
Cisco Catalyst 6000 Crossbar Statistics Peak Time Out Utilization
cc6kxbarStatisticsPeakTmOutUtil (defined in CISCO-CAT6K-CROSSBAR-MIB.)
Indicates the time of most recent change in the corresponding instance value of cc6kxbarStatisticsPeakOutUtil.
Cisco Intrusion Detection System Health Sensor Statistics Reset Time
cidsHealthSensorStatsResetTime (defined in CISCO-CIDS-MIB)
The value of SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime when the Sensor specific statistics was reset. The reset time is collectively for the following objects: cidsHealthPacketLoss, cidsHealthPacketDenies, cidsHealthAlarmsGenerated, cidsHealthFragmentsInFRU, cidsHealthDatagramsInFRU, cidsHealthTcpEmbryonicStreams, cidsHealthTcpEstablishedStreams, cidsHealthTcpClosingStreams, cidsHealthTcpStreams
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Statistics Blocks Tx By Block Delay Time
cipCardCsnaStatsBlocksTxByBlockDelayTime (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
The number of Blocks Transmitted when the Block Delay Time has been exceeded.
Cisco Diameter Base Protocol Local Statistics Total Up Time
cdbpLocalStatsTotalUpTime (defined in CISCO-DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB)
This object represents the total time the Diameter server has been up until now.
ip System Statistics Discontinuity Time
ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime (defined in IP-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re- initialization of the local management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
ip If Statistics Discontinuity Time
ipIfStatsDiscontinuityTime (defined in IP-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re- initialization of the local management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.

MIBs list