
port_id monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - port_id monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for "port id"

Filter Port Id
This object uniquely identify an address group in the systems. It successively increases starting from 1. This value is obtained through a3ComFilterPortGroupNextAvailableIndex when a new port group needs to be created.
PNNIx Link Remote Port Id
pnnixLinkRemotePortId (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
Indicates the port identifier of the port at the remote end of the link as assigned by the remote node. If the pnnixLinkType is `outside link and uplink', this is the port identifier assigned by the lowest-level neighbor node to identify the outside link. If the remote port ID is unknown or if the pnnixLinkType is `uplink', this attribute is set to zero.
PNNIx Map Address Advertised Port Id
pnnixMapAddrAdvertisedPortId (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
The port identifier used from the advertising node to reach the given address prefix.
pnnixDTLPortId (defined in XPNNI-MIB)
The port from the pnnixDTLNodeId to use as the exit. If the DTL stack does not care, this is coded as zero.
Xylan Pnni Trap Pn Port Id
xPnniTrapPnPortId (defined in XYLANPNNI-MIB)
On a trap condition, this identifies the port-related variable.
at Bind Rule Port Id
atBindRulePortId (defined in XYLAN-VLAN-MIB)
The port ( slot/intf/srvc/inst) for which this binding is configured.
at DHC Pport Rule Port Id
atDHCPportRulePortId (defined in XYLAN-VLAN-MIB)
This object defines the Virtual port that is part of this PORT rule. The first octet gives the slot number on which the port resides, the second being the physical interface, third octet being the service and the fourth being the instance of the service.
World Wide Packets Containment Broadcast Port Id
wwpContainmentBroadcastPortId (defined in WWP-CONTAINMENT-MIB)
The Id of the port for which this entry contains the containment settings. This value corresponds to the same portId for this port defined in the object wwpPortStatsPortId as defined in the MIB wwpPortStatsMIB.
World Wide Packets Containment Multicast Port Id
wwpContainmentMulticastPortId (defined in WWP-CONTAINMENT-MIB)
The Id of the port for which this entry contains the containment settings. This value corresponds to the same portId for this port defined in the object wwpPortStatsPortId as defined in the MIB wwpPortStatsMIB.
lapb Operation Port Id
lapbOperPortId (defined in rfc1381)
This object identifies an instance of the index object in the first group of objects in the MIB specific to the physical device or interface used to send and receive frames. If an agent does not support any such objects, it should return nullSpec OBJECT IDENTIFIER {0 0}.
els100 Switch Vlan Port Id
els100SwitchVlanPortId (defined in ctels100-ng-mib)
The number of the port, from 1 to number of ports in the system.
els100 Switch Priority Port Id
els100SwitchPriorityPortId (defined in ctels100-ng-mib)
The port number, from 1 to number of ports in the system.
Cabletron FDDI Multiplexor Master Port ID
ctFDDIMuxMasterPortID (defined in ctron-fddi-fnb-mib)
A unique identifier for this specific master port.
sfps L4 CP Port ID
sfpsL4CPPortID (defined in ctron-sfps-l4ss-mib)
The last four octets of CSM's PortOID for this port.
sfps In Port Config Mib2 Port Id
sfpsInPortConfigMib2PortId (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Mib2 Port id
sfps Out Port Config Mib2 Port Id
sfpsOutPortConfigMib2PortId (defined in ctron-sfps-port-mib)
Mib2 Port id
Token Ring Port Management Port Id
tRingPortMgmtPortId (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns an index to a port for which the information in this table pertains.
Token Ring Port Station Port Id
tRingPortStnPortId (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns an index to a port for which the information in this table pertains.
Token Ring Port Ring Port Id
tRingPortRingPortId (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns an index to a port for which the information in this table pertains.
dot5 Physical Management Port Common Port Id
dot5PhysMgmtPortCommonPortId (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Returns an index to a token ring port for which the information in this table pertains.
dot5 Physical Management Port Station Port Id
dot5PhysMgmtPortStnPortId (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Returns an index to a token ring station port for which the information in this table pertains.
dot5 Physical Management Port Ring Port Id
dot5PhysMgmtPortRingPortId (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Returns an index to a token ring ring port for which the information in this table pertains.
port ID
portID (defined in elh100-mib)
The port ID of the repeater port being referenced.
switch Port ID
switchPortID (defined in elh100-mib)
The port ID of the switch module port being referenced. Port 1 is always the internal 100Mbps port. Port 2 is always the internal 10Mbps port; note that this port is inactive on media modules. Port 3 is always the external port; note that this port is inactive on internal switch modules.
security Port ID
securityPortID (defined in elh100-mib)
The port ID of the port being referenced. Attempts to reference nonexistent ports are rejected with an error-status of noSuchName(2).
Repeater Port Frame Sz Port Id
rptrPortFrameSzPortId (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
Returns an index to a port for which the information in this table pertains.
Repeater Port Alarm Port Id
rptrPortAlarmPortId (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
Returns an index to a port for which the information in this table pertains.
Enterasys Station Policy Profile Port ID
etsysStationPolicyProfilePortID (defined in enterasys-policy-profile-mib)
A value which represents the physical port, of the type defined by this entry's etsysStationPolicyProfilePortType, on which the associated station entity is connected. This object is for convenience in cross referencing stations to ports.
Cisco ATM Signaling Failures Record Crank Back Port Id
csfRecordCrankBackPortId (defined in CISCO-ATM-SIG-DIAG-MIB)
When the csfRecordCrankBackTransitType object value is 'blockedLink', this object identifies a logical port of the blocked link's preceeding node identifier. The distinguished value zero indicates that no port is specified. For all values of csfRecordCrankBackTransitType other than 'blockedLink', this object is set to zero.
Cisco ATM Signaling Failures Dtl Port Id
csfDtlPortId (defined in CISCO-ATM-SIG-DIAG-MIB)
Each entry in the DTL table corresponds to a node/port tuple based on which a source route through the peer group is built. This object represents the port id in the tuple
port ID
portID (defined in CISCO-C6200-MIB)
Port Identifier on the targeted slot. PortID value depends on the slot type.
Cisco Domain Management Area Assigned Port Id List
dmAreaAssignedPortIdList (defined in CISCO-DM-MIB)
The list of Port IDs which have been assigned in this Area and VSAN, formatted as an array of octets in ascending order. There could be zero or more Port IDs assigned on this Area and VSAN. Port ID is an 8-bit value. And therefore, each octet represents one Port ID. So, the list containing the Port IDs 23, 45, 235 and 56 would be formatted as the 4-octet string x'172d38eb'.
Cisco Domain Management Fibre Channel Id Cache Area Id Port Id
dmFcIdCacheAreaIdPortId (defined in CISCO-DM-MIB)
The Area ID and Port ID of FC ID that was assigned and has since been released by this port on this VSAN. Note that this object is only 2 bytes and only contains the Area ID and Port ID.

MIBs list