operation_state monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - operation_state monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for operation state

ipx Base Operation State
ipxBaseOperState (defined in MSIPX-MIB)
The current operational state of the software.
rip If Operation State
ripIfOperState (defined in MSRIPSAP-MIB)
If ripIfAdminState is disabled(1) then ripIfOperState should be down(1). If ripIfAdminState is changed to enabled(2) then ripIfOperState should change to up(2) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic; it should change to sleeping(3) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incomming connection); it should remain in the down(1) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(2) state.
ipx Circuit Operation State
ipxCircOperState (defined in IPX)
The operational state of the circuit.
ipx Circuit Operation State
ipxCircOperState (defined in IPX-MIB)
The operational state of the circuit.
ipx Circuit Operation State
ipxCircOperState (defined in NOVELL-IPX-MIB)
The operational state of the circuit.
tsm Operation Port Open State
tsmOperPortOpenState (defined in TSMEXT-MIB)
The operational open status of the port. 1 = opened 2 = closed 3 = opening 4 = closing 5 = openFailure 6 = ringFailure
Xylan ATM Clockingx Source Operation State
xylnatmClockingxSrcOperState (defined in XYLAN-CSM-MIB)
This object identifies the state of the clock source. inactive(1) indicates the source is not available for use. active(2) indicates the source is currently being used to drive the bus. standby(3) indicates the source is currently availble for use, but another source is currently being used.
xylan Filter Active Operation State
xylanFltActiveOperState (defined in XYLAN-FLT-MIB)
software. This is independent of the administrative state.
gm Auto Service Operation State
gmAutoServiceOperState (defined in XYLAN-VLAN-MIB)
Operational state of this service.
sna Lu Operation State
snaLuOperState (defined in rfc1666)
The value identifies the current operational state of this LU. It has different meanings for dependent and independent LUs. For dependent LUs the values indicate the following: inactive (1) - LU didn't receive ACTLU, or it received DACTLU, or received ACTLU and sent negative response. active (2) - LU received ACTLU and acknowledged positively. For independent LUs the values indicate the following: active (2) - the LU is defined and is able to send and receive BIND. inactive (1) - the LU has a session count equal to 0.
sdlc Link Stations Operation State
sdlcLSOperState (defined in rfc1747)
This object describes the operational state of the SDLC link station. The managed system shall attempt to keep this value consistent with the administered state, sdlcLSAdminState
Cabletron Entity State Operation
ctEntStateOper (defined in ctron-entity-state-mib)
The operational state for this entity. Note that unlike the state model used within the Interfaces MIB [RFC2863], this object does not follow the administrative state. An administrative state of down does not predict an operational state of disabled. A value of 'testing' means that entity currently being tested and cannot there fore report whether it is operational or not. A value of 'disabled' means that an entity is totally inoperable and unable to provide service both to entities within its containment hierarchy, or to other receivers of its service as defined in ways outside the scope of this MIB. A value of 'enabled' means that an entity is fully or partially operable and able to provide service both to entities within its containment hierarchy, or to other receivers of its service as defined in ways outside the scope of this MIB. Note that some implementations may not be able to accurately report ctEntStateOper while the ctEntStateAdmin object has a value other than 'unlocked'. In these cases, this object MUST have a value of 'unknown'.
Token Ring Port Management Port Operation State
tRingPortMgmtPortOperState (defined in dot5-log-mib)
Returns the operational state of this port.
dot5 Physical Management Port Common Port Operation State
dot5PhysMgmtPortCommonPortOperState (defined in dot5-phys-mib)
Returns the operational state of this token ring port.
Repeater Port Management Operation State
rptrPortMgmtOperState (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
Get port operational status.
switch Operation State
switchOperState (defined in v2h124-24-mib)
Global operation state of the switch.
Enterasys If Operation State Link Change
etsysIfOperStateLinkChange (defined in enterasys-if-mib-ext-mib)
This object controls the system wide ability to manipulate the physical link state of an interface when the interface's ifOperStatus transitions into or out of the down(2) state. A value of enabled(1) will cause an interface to drop physical link when its ifOperStatus transitions to down(2). If the interface would transition out of the down(2) state, assuming it did have link, then physical link will be restored to the interface. A value of disabled(2) will cause an interface to not alter its physical link regardless of the value of ifOperStatus. This object only affects those interfaces which have a concept of physical link.
Enterasys Service Level Net Measure Operation State
etsysSrvcLvlNetMeasureOperState (defined in enterasys-service-level-reporting-mib)
Reports the operational status of the network measure.
Enterasys Vrrp Ext Operation State
etsysVrrpExtOperState (defined in enterasys-vrrp-extensions-mib)
The current state of the virtual router. This object has six defined values - `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event. - `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router. - `master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this router. - 'ifDown', which indicates that the interface the virtual router is configured on is operationally down. - 'preemptDelay', which indiciates that the virtual router is going to transition to master once the preempt delay timer has expired.
appn Port Operation State
appnPortOperState (defined in APPN-MIB)
Indicates the current state of this port: inactive(1) - port is inactive pendactive(2) - port is pending active active(3) - port is active pendinact(4) - port is pending inactive
appn Link Station Operation State
appnLsOperState (defined in APPN-MIB)
State of this link station. The comments map these more granular states to the 'traditional' four states for SNA resources. Values (2) through (5) represent the normal progression of states when a link station is being activated. Value (6) represents some other state of a link station in the process of being activated. Values (8) through (10) represent different ways a link station can be deactivated. Value (11) represents some other state of a link station in the process of being deactivated.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Instance Operation State
cagwInstanceOperState (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
The current operational state of the ASN-GW.
CISCO BRIDGE DOMAIN Member Operation State
cbdMemberOperState (defined in CISCO-BRIDGE-DOMAIN-MIB)
This object indicates the operational state of the bridge domain Member. Operational state of the Bridge domain member is same as the operational state of the underlying service instance. Bridge domain members are configured under service instances and multiple service instances can be attached to a single physical interface defining various kinds of services. Bridge domain members have many to one relationship with interface Indexes. When ifOperStatus of the underlying interface is down, the state of cbdMemberOperState should be down. When ifOperStatus of the underlying interface is up, cbdMemberOperState can be either up or down based on the state of underlying service instance. 'unknown': the bridge domain member is an unknown state. 'up': the bridge domain member is fully operational and able to bridge the traffic. This means that both the physical interface and the underlying service instance are administratively up. 'down': the Bridge Domain member is down and not capable of bridging. This state means either the underlying service instance is down or the interface is down.
Cisco Cable Spectrum Spectrum Request Operation State
ccsSpectrumRequestOperState (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The operational state of the test. ccsSpectrumRequestIfIndex, ccsSpectrumRequestMacAddr, ccsSpectrumRequestUpperFreq, ccsSpectrumRequestLowFreq and ccsSpectrumRequestResolution cannot be changed when CCSRequestOperState is in the 'running' state. For a detailed description, see the CCSRequestOperState DESCRIPTION.
Cisco Cable Spectrum SNR Request Operation State
ccsSNRRequestOperState (defined in CISCO-CABLE-SPECTRUM-MIB)
The operational state of the test. ccsSNRRequestMacAddr, cannot be changed when the ccsSNRRequestOperState is in the 'running' state.
Cisco Access Control List QoS If Operation Trust State
caqIfOperTrustState (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
This object is used to indicate the operational trust state of an interface. The operational trust state may or may not be identical to the config trust state denoted by caqIfTrustStateConfig. The value of this object depends on the runtime conditions such as whether the interface is configured to trust a certain type of device as denoted by caqIfTrustDevice as well as whether a device of the trusted type is connected to the interface. For example, if the interface is configured to only trust Cisco IP Phone and the phone is not connected to the interface at runtime, the operational trust state of this interface will have the untrusted(1) value even if the trustCoS(2) value is configured in caqIfTrustStateConfig. This object is only instantiated if the platform supports trust device configuration. If the object is untrusted(1), then the DSCP assigned to the packet is the DSCP specified by classification rule obtained from the matching ACE (Access Control Entry). ACE is a filter that is used to identify flows with certain characteristics. It includes fields such as ingress/egress ports, L2 addresses, L3 addresses , TCP/UDP port number. If this object is trustCoS(2), then the DSCP assigned to the packet is the layer2 CoS of the packet mapped to a DSCP by the CoS-to-DSCP mapping defined in object caqCosToDscpDscp. When this object is trustIpPrec(3), a DSCP is assigned to an IP packet according to the IP-Precedence-to-DSCP mapping defined by the values contained in caqIpPrecToDscpTable. For non-IP packets, trustIpPrec(3) has identical behavior as trustCoS(2). When this object is trustDscp(4), the DSCP contained in an IP packet is trusted as being the correct value to assign to it. For non-IP packets, trustDscp(4) has identical behavior as trustCoS(2).
Cisco Cdma Ahdlc Engine Operation State
cCdmaAhdlcEngineOperState (defined in CISCO-CDMA-AHDLC-MIB)
This object defines the current AHDLC engine operational state. The 'up' indicates the engine is ready to receive ahdlc packets. If cCdmaAhdlcEngineAdminState is 'down' then cCdmaAhdlcEngineOperState should be 'down'. If cCdmaAhdlcEngineAdminState is changed to 'up' then cCdmaAhdlcEngineOperState should change to 'up' if the engine is ready to receive ahdlc packets; it should remain in the 'down' state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the 'up' state.
CISCO Express Forwarding Configuration Operation State
cefCfgOperState (defined in CISCO-CEF-MIB)
The current operational state of CEF. If the cefCfgAdminState is disabled(2), then cefOperState will eventually go to the down(2) state unless some error has occurred. If cefCfgAdminState is changed to enabled(1) then cefCfgOperState should change to up(1) only if the CEF entity is ready to forward the packets using Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) else it should remain in the down(2) state. The up(1) state for this object indicates that CEF entity is forwarding the packet using Cisco Express Forwarding.
CISCO Express Forwarding Configuration Distribution Operation State
cefCfgDistributionOperState (defined in CISCO-CEF-MIB)
The current operational state of CEF distribution. If the cefCfgDistributionAdminState is disabled(2), then cefDistributionOperState will eventually go to the down(2) state unless some error has occurred. If cefCfgDistributionAdminState is changed to enabled(1) then cefCfgDistributionOperState should change to up(1) only if the CEF entity is ready to forward the packets using Distributed Cisco Express Forwarding (dCEF) else it should remain in the down(2) state. The up(1) state for this object indicates that CEF entity is forwarding the packet using Distributed Cisco Express Forwarding.
CISCO Express Forwarding Peer Operation State
cefPeerOperState (defined in CISCO-CEF-MIB)
The current CEF operational state of the CEF peer entity. Cef peer entity oper state will be peerDisabled(1) in the following condition: : Cef Peer entity encounters fatal error i.e. resource allocation failure, ipc failure etc : When a reload/delete request is received from the Cef Peer Entity Once the peer entity is up and no fatal error is encountered, then the value of this object will transits to the peerUp(3) state. If the Cef Peer entity is in held stage, then the value of this object will be peerHold(3). Cef peer entity can only transit to peerDisabled(1) state from the peerHold(3) state.
CISCO Express Forwarding Peer FIB Operation State
cefPeerFIBOperState (defined in CISCO-CEF-MIB)
The current CEF FIB Operational State for the CEF peer entity. ::= { cefPeerFIBEntry 1 } -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- The CEF Prefix Length Stats Table -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CefStatsPrefixLenEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION This table specifies the CEF stats based on the Prefix Length.
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Cmpc Sub Channel Operation State
cipCmpcSubChannelOperState (defined in CISCO-CIPCMPC-MIB)
Activation state of the CMPC subchannel. shutdown - CMCC interface with this CMPC subchannel configured is shutdown. inactive - CMCC physical channel up, CMPC subchannel has not started to activate yet. xid2Pending - VTAM and CMCC CMPC have started negotiating channel connection. active - CMCC CMPC subchannel is active in MPC or non-HPDT mode. activePlus - CMCC CMPC subchannel is active in MPC+ or HPDT mode.
Channel Interface Processor Card Csna Operation State
cipCardCsnaOperState (defined in CISCO-CIPCSNA-MIB)
The current state of the CSNA entry. The values have the following meanings: closed - Link is closed. pendingOpen - An Open Subchannel command has been received from the host. open - Subchannel is open. pendingSetup - Host has queried for LAN info. setupComplete - LAN info has been sent to the host. pendingClose - A Close Subchannel command has been received from the host. ::= { cipCardCsnaOperEntry 1 } SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (0), slowDownSent (1), slowDownReceived (2), slowDownSentAndReceived (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION The current state of the CSNA slow down condition. A channel device will turn on the slow down bit whenever insufficient buffering is available to receive data from the adjacent channel device. The values have the following meanings: normal - Link is normal. slowDownSent - The router has put VTAM into a slow down state. slowDownReceived - VTAM has put the router into a slow down state. slowDownSentReceived - Both VTAM and the router are in a slow down state. ::= { cipCardCsnaOperEntry 2 } SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) UNITS "milliseconds The current Block Delay Time value being used by this instance of CSNA path/device (subchannel).
Cisco Channel Interface Processor Transmission Groups Llc Operation State
cipTgLlcOperState (defined in CISCO-CIPTG-MIB)
Activation state of the CMCC LLC TG. shutdown - CMCC interface with this LLC TG is shutdown. reset - This LLC TG interface is up, but LLC connection establishment has not started. locatePeer - This LLC TG has sent a test command to the configured remote network node. peerLocated - This LLC TG has sent an LLC TEST command and received a TEST rsp from the configured remote network node. negotiation - XID3 negotiation between the host and the remote network node has begun using this LLC connection TG. contactPending - The LLC session negotiation is complete. This LLC TG has sent or received a SABME. active - LLC connection TG is active.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Dmm Cluster Member Operation State
cdmsHaDmmClusterMemberOperState (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
This object indicates the operational state of the DMM node corresponding to this conceptual row.
Cisco Digital Media Management System Ha Vp Cluster Member Operation State
cdmsHaVpClusterMemberOperState (defined in CISCO-DIGITAL-MEDIA-SYSTEMS-MIB.)
This object indicates the operational state of the VP node corresponding to this conceptual row.
cisco Data Link Switching T Connection Operation State
ciscoDlswTConnOperState (defined in CISCO-DLSW-MIB)
The state of this transport connection. The transport connection enters `connecting' state when DLSw makes a connection request to the transport layer. Once initial Capabilities Exchange is sent, the transport connection enters enters `initCapExchange' state. When partner capabilities have been determined and the transport connection is ready for sending CanUReach (CUR) messages, it moves to the `connected' state. When DLSw is in the process of bringing down the connection, it is in the `disconnecting' state. When the transport layer indicates one of its connections is disconnected, the transport connection moves to the `disconnected' state. Whereas all of the values will be returned in response to a management protocol retrieval operation, only two values may be specified in a management protocol set operation: `quiescing' and `disconnecting'. Changing the value to `quiescing' prevents new circuits from being established, and will cause a transport disconnect when the last circuit on the connection goes away. Changing the value to `disconnecting' will force off all circuits immediately and bring the connection to `disconnected' state.
Cisco DSPU Pu Operation Fsm State
dspuPuOperFsmState (defined in CISCO-DSPU-MIB)
Current FSM state of the PU as follows: linkReset - Link is in reset state - not connected linkPendConnOut - Pending ConnectOut to establish link linkPendConnIn - Pending ConnectIn to establish link linkPendXid - Pending XID negotiation on the link linkXidNeg - XID negotiation proceeding on link linkConnOut - ConnectOut link activation linkConnIn - ConnectIn link activation linkConnected - Link connected, PU inactive puPendAct - Link connected, PU pending activation puActive - Link connected, PU active puBusy - Link connected, PU busy puPendInact - Link connected, PU pending deactivation linkPendDisc - Pending disconnect of link linkPendClose - Pending close of link station
Cisco DSPU Lu Operation Fsm State
dspuLuOperFsmState (defined in CISCO-DSPU-MIB)
Current FSM state of the LU as follows: reset - neither dnLu or upLu active dnLuStarted - dnLu active, upLu inactive upLuActive - upLu active, dnLu inactive dnLuPendAct - dnLu pending activation, upLu active-unavailable dnLuActUnav - dnLu active-unavailable, upLu active-available upLuPendAvail - upLu pending-available bothAvail - both upLu and dnLu active-available dnLuPendInact - dnLu pending inactive upLuPendInact - upLu pending inactive luInactivityTimeout - inactivity Timeout on LU-to-LU session dnInactivityPendInact - dnLu pending inactive from inactivity timeout
Cisco DSPU Sap Operation State
dspuSapOperState (defined in CISCO-DSPU-MIB)
Operational state of the local SAP as follows: - sapClosed - sapOpening - sapOpened - sapClosing
Cisco Digital Signal Processing Operation State
cdspOperState (defined in CISCO-DSP-MGMT-MIB)
The current operational state of the DSP. normal - DSP operates normally shutdown - DSP is shutdown due to fatal error congested - DSP does not accept call because the DSP buffer is full failed - DSP failed
Cisco Digital Signal Processing Enable Operation State Notification
cdspEnableOperStateNotification (defined in CISCO-DSP-MGMT-MIB)
This variable controls whether the system produces the cdspOperStateNotification. A false value will prevent a DSP operational state notification from being generated by this system.
Cisco Enhanced Benes Fabric Bundle Port Operation State
cfhBundlePortOperState (defined in CISCO-FABRIC-HFR-MIB)
The object indicates the operational state of the fabric bundle port. unknown - the bundle port state is unknown or in the transition between 'up' and 'down' state. up - bundle port operates normally down - bundle port was downed due to error condition or administratively shutdown.
Cisco Fibre Channel over Ethernet VLAN Operation State
cfcoeVLANOperState (defined in CISCO-FCOE-MIB)
Operational state of this VLAN-VSAN association entry. The 'up' state is achieved when both the VSAN and VLAN are valid.
Cisco FTP Client Request Operation State
cfcRequestOperationState (defined in CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB)
The operational state of the file transfer. To short-terminate the transfer set cfcRequestStop to 'stop'.
ipx Circuit Operation State
ipxCircOperState (defined in hpprocurve-v2-ipx)
The operational state of the circuit.
llc Cc Operation State
llcCcOperState (defined in ibm-llc)
This object describes the operational state of the LLC connection. The managed system shall attempt to keep this value consistent with the administered state, llcCcAdminState
ipx Circuit Operation State
ipxCircOperState (defined in ibm-novell-ipx)
The operational state of the circuit.
vrrp Operation State
vrrpOperState (defined in ibm-vrrp)
The current state of the virtual router. This object has three defined values: - `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event. - `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router. - `master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this router. Setting the `vrrpOperAdminState' object (below) initiates transitions in the value of this object.
vrrp Operation Admin State
vrrpOperAdminState (defined in ibm-vrrp)
This object will enable/disable the virtual router function. Setting the value to 'up', will transition the state of the virtual router from `initialize' to `backup' or `master'; setting the value to `down', will transition the router from `master' or `backup' to `initialize'. State transitions may not be immediate; they sometimes depend on other factors, such as the interface (IF) state. The `vrrpOperAdminState' object must be set to `down' prior to modifying the other read-create objects in the conceptual row. The value of the `vrrpOperRowStatus' object (below) must be `active', signifying that the conceptual row is valid (i.e., the objects are correctly set), in order for this object to be set to `up'.
Juniper Lacp Aggregate Port Actor Operation State
jnxLacpAggPortActorOperState (defined in JUNIPER-L2CP-FEATURES-MIB)
Port actor operational state.
askey CPE Wireless Operation State
askeyCPEWirelessOperState (defined in ASKEY-ADSL-MIB)
Remote CPE wireless operational state.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation State
swL3VrrpOperState (defined in DES3528-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
The current state of the virtual router. This object has three defined values: - `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event. - `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router. - `master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this router. Setting the `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object (below) initiates transitions in the value of this object.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation Admin State
swL3VrrpOperAdminState (defined in DES3528-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
This object will enable/disable the virtual router function. Setting the value to `up', will transition the state of the virtual router from `initialize' to `backup' or `master', depending on the value of `swL3VrrpOperPriority'. Setting the value to `down', will transition the router from `master' or `backup' to `initialize'. State transitions may not be immediate; they sometimes depend on other factors, such as the interface (IF) state. The `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object must be set to `down' prior to modifying the other read-create objects in the conceptual row. The value of the `swL3VrrpOperRowStatus' object (below) must be `active', signifying that the conceptual row is valid (i.e., the objects are correctly set), in order for this object to be set to `up'.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation State
swL3VrrpOperState (defined in DES3552-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
The current state of the virtual router. This object has three defined values: - `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event. - `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router. - `master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this router. Setting the `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object (below) initiates transitions in the value of this object.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation Admin State
swL3VrrpOperAdminState (defined in DES3552-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
This object will enable/disable the virtual router function. Setting the value to `up', will transition the state of the virtual router from `initialize' to `backup' or `master', depending on the value of `swL3VrrpOperPriority'. Setting the value to `down', will transition the router from `master' or `backup' to `initialize'. State transitions may not be immediate; they sometimes depend on other factors, such as the interface (IF) state. The `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object must be set to `down' prior to modifying the other read-create objects in the conceptual row. The value of the `swL3VrrpOperRowStatus' object (below) must be `active', signifying that the conceptual row is valid (i.e., the objects are correctly set), in order for this object to be set to `up'.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation State
swL3VrrpOperState (defined in DES3612-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
The current state of the virtual router. This object has three defined values: - `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event. - `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router. - `master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this router. Setting the `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object (below) initiates transitions in the value of this object.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation Admin State
swL3VrrpOperAdminState (defined in DES3612-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
This object will enable/disable the virtual router function. Setting the value to `up', will transition the state of the virtual router from `initialize' to `backup' or `master', depending on the value of `swL3VrrpOperPriority'. Setting the value to `down', will transition the router from `master' or `backup' to `initialize'. State transitions may not be immediate; they sometimes depend on other factors, such as the interface (IF) state. The `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object must be set to `down' prior to modifying the other read-create objects in the conceptual row. The value of the `swL3VrrpOperRowStatus' object (below) must be `active', signifying that the conceptual row is valid (i.e., the objects are correctly set), in order for this object to be set to `up'.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation State
swL3VrrpOperState (defined in DES3627-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
The current state of the virtual router. This object has three defined values: - `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event. - `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router. - `master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this router. Setting the `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object (below) initiates transitions in the value of this object.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation Admin State
swL3VrrpOperAdminState (defined in DES3627-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
This object will enable/disable the virtual router function. Setting the value to `up', will transition the state of the virtual router from `initialize' to `backup' or `master', depending on the value of `swL3VrrpOperPriority'. Setting the value to `down', will transition the router from `master' or `backup' to `initialize'. State transitions may not be immediate; they sometimes depend on other factors, such as the interface (IF) state. The `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object must be set to `down' prior to modifying the other read-create objects in the conceptual row. The value of the `swL3VrrpOperRowStatus' object (below) must be `active', signifying that the conceptual row is valid (i.e., the objects are correctly set), in order for this object to be set to `up'.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation State
swL3VrrpOperState (defined in DES3650-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
The current state of the virtual router. This object has three defined values: - `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event. - `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router. - `master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this router. Setting the `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object (below) initiates transitions in the value of this object.
Switch L3 Vrrp Operation Admin State
swL3VrrpOperAdminState (defined in DES3650-SWL3MGMT-MIB)
This object will enable/disable the virtual router function. Setting the value to `up', will transition the state of the virtual router from `initialize' to `backup' or `master', depending on the value of `swL3VrrpOperPriority'. Setting the value to `down', will transition the router from `master' or `backup' to `initialize'. State transitions may not be immediate; they sometimes depend on other factors, such as the interface (IF) state. The `swL3VrrpOperAdminState' object must be set to `down' prior to modifying the other read-create objects in the conceptual row. The value of the `swL3VrrpOperRowStatus' object (below) must be `active', signifying that the conceptual row is valid (i.e., the objects are correctly set), in order for this object to be set to `up'.
dvmrp Interface Operation State
dvmrpInterfaceOperState (defined in DVMRP-MIB)
The current operational state of this DVMRP interface. This object is deprecated in favor of ifOperStatus.

MIBs list