The Cisco Unified Multi-Modal Contact Applications (MMCA) platform is
a highly scalable, modular, extensible, open and secure platform for
providing contact center applications. The Cisco Unified Expert Advisor
(CUEA) is implemented on this platform.
The Cisco Unified Expert Advisor application is deployed on
multiple devices that form a cluster, where each device could be
classified as 'Runtime' or 'Reporting'. Each device hosts a set of
services and each service performs a specific task. Not all services
will be running on every device.
The CISCO-MMODAL-CONTACT-APPS-MIB defines the instrumentation of
the services present in the Cisco Unified Expert Advisor. The MIB
mainly consists of the run-time statistics of each service and also
defines a Notification format. It also defines various groups of
objects that are not specific to a service.
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- cmmcaEventMessageId
- The event message ID is the unique notification message identifier that was assigned by the CUEA application. This identifier is unique for each different notification but consistent for each instance of the same notification.
- cmmcaEventHostName
- The event host name object specifies the host name or the fully qualified domain name of the CUEA server from which this event originated.
- cmmcaEventAppName
- The event application name object specifies the service-specific name of the functional service that generated this notification. This name will vary, both in content and in format, based on the service that generated the notification. For example, the n ...
- cmmcaEventMessageName
- The event message name object specifies the service-specific name of the Expert Advisor service notification message. This name will vary, both in content and in format, based on the event itself. The object value is used to group and correlate similar n ...
- cmmcaEventState
- The event state object identifies the state (not to be confused with severity) of the notification and potentially the current state of the functional component that generated the notification. The possible states are: 'raise': A raise state identifie ...
- cmmcaEventSeverity
- The event severity object indicates the severity level of this notification. The severity levels are: 'emergency': The notification indicates that a devastating failure has occurred; the system or service is unusable. Immediate operator intervent ...
- cmmcaEventTimestamp
- The event time stamp object specifies the date and time that the notification was generated on the originating device.
- cmmcaEventText
- The event text is the full text of the notification. This text includes a description of the event that was generated, component state information and potentially a brief description of administrative action that may be necessary to correct the condition ...
- cmmcaRmTable
- This table describes the Resource Manager (RM) Service instances configured on this Device. The Resource Manager (RM) is responsible for maintaining the state of assignable resources, e.g. agents. The RM interfaces to the Work Assigner, Media Platform Int ...
- cmmcaRmEntry
- Each entry represents a configured RM service on the Device. The index in cmmcaServiceTable indexes each entry.
- cmmcaRmRtAgentsLoggedIn
- The Real Time indicator of the number of agents currently logged in.
- cmmcaRmRtAgentsOnCalls
- The real Time indicator of the number of agents currently on calls.
- cmmcaRmRtAgentsReserved
- The real Time indicator of the number of agents currently in the reserved state.
- cmmcaRmRtAgentsWrapUp
- The real Time indicator of the number of agents currently wrapping up a call.
- cmmcaRmRtAgentsReady
- The real Time indicator of the number of agents currently in the ready state.
- cmmcaRmRtAgentsNoQueue
- The real Time indicator of the number of agents currently unallocated in any queue (most likely a configuration error).
- cmmcaRmAggNumOffersAccept
- The number of offers accepted since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRmIntNumOffersAccept
- The number of offers accepted over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRmAggNumOffersReject
- The number of offers rejected since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRmIntNumOffersReject
- The number of offers rejected over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRmAggNumOffersTimedOut
- The number of offers that timed out since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRmIntNumOffersTimedOut
- The number of offers that timed out over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaCmTable
- This table describes CM instances configured on this Device. The Contact Manager (CM) service is responsible for the handling of call requests and maintaining contact state. Instances may load share as well as support different types of contacts. This ser ...
- cmmcaCmEntry
- Each Entry represents a configured CM service. The index in cmmcaServiceTable indexes each entry.
- cmmcaCmRtNumActiveCalls
- The real time indicator of the number of active calls.
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallTrying
- The real time indicator of the number of calls where a contact is created; BRE script is started.
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallRingBack
- The real time indicator of the number of calls which are currently receiving ringback.
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallConnecting
- The real time indicator of the number of calls where a resource has been identified selected and the call is in the process of being connected.
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallConnected
- The real time indicator of the number of calls in which a contact is connected to one or more participant (e.g., self-service, agents, conference).
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallInitial
- The real time indicator of the number of calls in which a contact is in initial state.
- cmmcaCmAggNumCallArrivals
- Number of new calls which arrived at the Contact Manager since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaCmIntNumCallArrivals
- Number of new calls which arrived at the Contact Manager over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallRejecting
- The real time indicator of the number of calls which could not be accepted and processed (e.g. due to invalid call, lack of system resources or licenses, or no agent available) and are currently in the process of being rejected.
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallTransferring
- The real time indicator of the number of calls in which participant changes are currently in progress (e.g.,participant adds/removes like conferencing, redirecting or transferring).
- cmmcaCmRtNumCallTerminating
- The real time indicator of the number of calls which are currently terminating because all parties but one have disconnected.
- cmmcaCmAggAvgCallDurationTime
- The average call handling time since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaCmIntAvgCallDurationTime
- The average call handling time over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaCmAggMaxCallDurationTime
- The maximum call handling time since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaCmIntMaxCallDurationTime
- The maximum call handling time over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaCmAggMaxCallDurationTimeDt
- The timestamp when the maximum call duration time since application start time, cmmcaStartTime, has occurred.
- cmmcaCmIntMaxCallDurationTimeDt
- The timestamp of when the maximum call duration time over the last interval, specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable, occurred.
- cmmcaCmAggAvgCallInQueueTime
- The average call time in queue since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaCmIntAvgCallInQueueTime
- The average call time in queue over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaCmAggMaxCallInQueueTime
- The maximum call time in queue since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaCmIntMaxCallInQueueTime
- The maximum call time in queue over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaCmAggMaxCallInQueueTimeDt
- The timestamp of when the maximum call time in queue since application start(cmmcaStartTime), occurred.
- cmmcaCmIntMaxCallInQueueTimeDt
- The timestamp of when the maximum call time in queue over the last interval, specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable, occurred.
- cmmcaCmAggAvgCallArrivalRate
- The average call arrival rate since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaCmAggMaxCallArrivalRate
- The maximum of interval average call arrival rate, displayed by cmmcaCmIntAvgCallArrivalRate, since application start time, specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaCmAggMaxCallArrivalRateDt
- The timestamp of when the maximum call arrival rate since application start (cmmcaStartTime), occurred.
- cmmcaCmIntAvgCallArrivalRate
- The average rate of calls over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRdaTable
- This table lists all Resource Desktop Adapter services configured on this Device. The Resource Desktop Adapter (RDA) is used by the RM to communicate to the user interface of the Resource (or Agent). This component provides a normalized interface (RDI-R ...
- cmmcaRdaEntry
- Each entry represents a configured RDA service. The cmmcaServiceTable index is used to index each entry in this table.
- cmmcaRdaAggNumMsgProc
- The number of messages processed since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRdaIntNumMsgProc
- The number of messages processed over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRdaAggNumSuccessPresenceNotifications
- The number of successful presence notifications since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRdaIntNumSuccessPresenceNotifications
- The number of successful presence notifications over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRdaRtNumActiveClients
- The real time number of active end-user devices that have capability to perform instant message operation.
- cmmcaRdaRtNumOutStandingOfferTasks
- The real time number of outstanding offertasks to be processed.
- cmmcaRdaAggNumUnSuccessPresenceNotifications
- The number of unsuccessful presence notifications since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRdaIntNumUnSuccessPresenceNotifications
- The number of unsucessful presence notifications over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRdaRtNumInactiveClients
- The real time number of inactive clients.
- cmmcaBreTable
- This table describes the Business Rules Engine (BRE) services configured on this Device. The Business Rules Engine in MMCA allows customers to define how the system will behave and then execute scripts or business rules at runtime. In Cisco Unified Expert ...
- cmmcaBreEntry
- Each Entry represents a configured BRE service. The cmmcaServiceTable index indexes this table.
- cmmcaBreAggLoadedScripts
- The total number of scripts loaded by the BRE.
- cmmcaBreAggDistinctScripts
- The total number of distinct scripts loaded by the BRE (not including different versions of the same script).
- cmmcaBreRtActiveScripts
- The real time number of loaded BRE scripts that are active.
- cmmcaBreRtCurrentInstances
- The current number of script instances existing at this moment in time.
- cmmcaBreAggMaxConcurrentInstances
- The maximum number of script instances that existed since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntMaxConcurrentInstances
- The maximum number of script instances that existed over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggMaxConcurrentInstancesDt
- The timestamp of when the maximum concurrent instances, specified by cmmcaBreAggMaxConcurrentInstances, since application start time (cmmcaStartTime) has occurred.
- cmmcaBreIntMaxConcurrentInstancesDt
- The timestamp of when the maximum concurrent instances over the last interval, specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable, has occurred.
- cmmcaBreAggAvgConcurrentInstances
- The average number of instances being worked on by the BRE since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntAvgConcurrentInstances
- The average number of instances being worked on by the BRE over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalInstanceInitiations
- The total number of script instances created since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalInstanceInitiations
- The total number of script instances created over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalContactInstanceInitiations
- The total number of contact script instances created since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalContactInstanceInitiations
- The total number of contact script instances created over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalResourceInstanceInitiations
- The total number of resource script instances created since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalResourceInstanceInitiations
- The total number of resource script instances created over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalInstanceTerminations
- The total number of script instances terminated since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalInstanceTerminations
- The total number of script instances terminated over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalContactInstanceTerminations
- The total number of contact script instances terminated since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalContactInstanceTerminations
- The total number of contact script instances terminated over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalResourceInstanceTerminations
- The total number of resource script instances terminated since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalResourceInstanceTerminations
- The total number of resource script instances terminated over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalAbnormalEndings
- The total number of script instances that ended abnormally since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalAbnormalEndings
- The total number of script instances that ended abnormally over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalAbnormalContactEndings
- The total number of contact script instances that ended abnormally since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalAbnormalContactEndings
- The total number of contact script instances that ended abnormally over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaBreAggTotalAbnormalResourceEndings
- The total number of resource script instances that ended abnormally since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaBreIntTotalAbnormalResourceEndings
- The total number of resource script instances that ended abnormally over the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaWaTable
- This table lists the Work Assigner(WA) Service instances configured on this Device. The Work Assigner is responsible for matching Contacts that need Resources with Resources that need Contacts. The scope of a single work assigner defines a Routing Domain. ...
- cmmcaWaEntry
- Each Entry represents a configured WA service. The index in cmmcaServiceTable is used to index this table too.
- cmmcaWaRtAssignmentQueCount
- The real time number of Assignment Queues configured.
- cmmcaWaRtAttributeDefCount
- The real time number of Attribute definitions configured.
- cmmcaWaRtSelectionStrategyCount
- The real time number of selection strategies configured.
- cmmcaWaRtSkillCount
- The real time number of skills configured.
- cmmcaWaAggTotalConfigErrors
- The real time number of errors processing config messages.
- cmmcaWaAggCancelResourceRequestReceived
- The total number of CancelResourceRequest messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggResourceRequestReceived
- The total number of ResourceRequest messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggResourceResponseSent
- The total number of ResourceResponse messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggCancelWorkRequestReceived
- The total number of CancelWorkRequest messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggOfferTaskAcceptedSent
- The total mumber of OfferTaskAccept messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggOfferTaskCancelledSent
- The total number of OfferTaskCancelled messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggOfferTaskResponseReceived
- The total number of OfferTaskResponse messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggOfferTaskSent
- The total number of OfferTask messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggResyncResourceResponseAckSent
- The total number of ResyncResourceResponseAcknowledgement messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggResyncResourceResponseReceived
- The total number of ResyncResourceResponse received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggResyncResourceSent
- The total number of ResyncResource messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggWorkRequestReceived
- The total number of WorkRequest messages Received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggQueueEventSent
- The total number of QueueEvent messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggWorkRequestCanceledSent
- The total number of WorkRequestCanceled messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggWRIFailureResponseSent
- The total number of WRIFailureResponse messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggRRIFailureResponseSent
- The total number of RRIFailureResponseSent messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggResourceResponseCanceledSent
- The total number of ResourceResponseCanceled messages sent since boot time.
- cmmcaWaAggCancelQueueEventSent
- The total number of CancelQueueEvent messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaAggMessageSentError
- The total number of times messages could not be sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaWaRtResourceCriteriaCount
- The real time number of resource criteria configured.
- cmmcaWaRtSelectionStrategyAttrCount
- The real time number of selection strategy attributes configured.
- cmmcaWaRtAttributeCriteriaCount
- The real time number of attribute criteria configured.
- cmmcaWaRtResourceCount
- The real time number of resources configured.
- cmmcaWaRtAttributeValueCount
- The real time number of attribute values configured.
- cmmcaWaRtSkillCompetencyCount
- The real time number of skill competencies configured.
- cmmcaWaRtResourceMemberCount
- The real time number of resource members configured.
- cmmcaWaRtTotalResourceCount
- The real time number of known total resources.
- cmmcaWaRtTotalContactCount
- The real time number of total known total contacts.
- cmmcaWaRtTotalResourceManagerCount
- The real time number of known resource manager services.
- cmmcaWaRtTotalContactManagerCount
- The real time number of known contact manager services.
- cmmcaMpaTable
- This table describes MPA services configured on this Device. The Media Platform Adapter is a media platform for SIP calls: - SIP Back to Back User Agent (B2BUA), providing basic 3rd party call control and endpoint functions to its clients (RM, CM, RDA). ...
- cmmcaMpaEntry
- Each Entry represents a configured MPA service. Each entry is indexed by the index in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaMpaAggNewCalls
- The total number of new calls requests received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggConnectsRcv
- The total number of connect attempts since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggAvgLatency
- The average time in milliseconds required to complete a connection.
- cmmcaMpaAggFailedInvites
- The total number of failed invitation attempts since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggFailedReinvites
- The total number of failed re-invitation attempts since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggTotalCalls
- The current number of calls into and originating from the MPA.
- cmmcaMpaRtIncomingCalls
- The current number of Incoming calls.
- cmmcaMpaRtOutgoingCalls
- The current number of calls originating from the MPA.
- cmmcaMpaRtActiveClientSessions
- The number of currently registered Client Sessions.
- cmmcaMpaAggTotalClientsRegistered
- The total number of client sessions opened(Including disconnected clients), since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggInstantMessagesSent
- The total number of instant messages sent since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggInstantMessagesReceived
- The total number of instant messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggPresenceUpdatesReceived
- The total number of presence documents received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggPresenceUpdatesBytesRcv
- Total number of bytes received in presence updates, since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaRtActiveRegisteredSipAddresses
- The real time number of SIP current registrations to SIP Registrar.
- cmmcaMpaRtActiveSipControlAddresses
- The real time number of SIP addresses currently registered.
- cmmcaMpaRtActiveIMAddresses
- The real time number of IM addresses currently registered.
- cmmcaMpaRtActiveMonitoredPresenceAddresses
- The real time number active presence addresses currently being monitored.
- cmmcaMpaAggTotalRegisteredSipAddresses
- The total number of SIP Registrations to SIP Registrar (Including deregistered ones) since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggTotalSipControlAddressesRegistered
- The total number of SIP addresses registered(Including deregistered ones) since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggTotalIMAddressesRegistered
- The total number of IM addresses registered(Including deregistered ones) since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaAggTotalMonitoredPresenceAddressesRegistered
- The total number of Presentities registered with presence server(Including deregistered ones) since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMpaRtActiveInteractions
- The real time number of Interactions that currently exist.
- cmmcaMpaRtActivePublishAddresses
- The real time number of Publishers currently registered with presence server.
- cmmcaMpaRtTotalPublishAddressesRegistered
- The real time number of Publishers registered with presence server(Including deregistered ones).
- cmmcaRaTable
- This table describes Reporting Adapter (RA) services configured on this Device. Reporting adapters listen to event stream that are produced by runtime components. They then take those events, convert them as appropriate (for example, converting them to a ...
- cmmcaRaEntry
- Each Entry represents a configured RA service. Each entry is indexed by the index in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRaAggMsgReceived
- The total number of messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggMsgSent
- The total number of messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggContactDetailMesgReceived
- The total number of contact detail messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggContactDetailMesgDispatched
- The total number of contact detail messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggContactDetailAttribMsgDispatched
- The total number of contact detail attributes messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggContactSegDetailMsgReceived
- The total number of contact segment detail messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggContactSegDetailMesgDispatched
- The total number of contact segment detail messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggContactSegMediaDetailMsgDispatched
- The total number of contact segment media detail messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggResourceTaskDetailMsgReceived
- The total number of resource task detail messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggResourceTaskDetailMsgDispatched
- The total number of resource task detail messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggTaskStateChangeMsgReceived
- The total number of task state change messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggResourceStateChngMesgReceived
- The total number of resource state change messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggResourceStateChngMsgDispatched
- The total number of resource state change messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggVersionResponseRecieved
- The total number of version response messages received since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggVersionRequestDispatched
- The total number of version request messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRaAggNodeSyncDispatched
- The total number of node synchronization messages dispatched since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaRsTable
- This table describes Reporting Subsystem(RS) services configured on this Device. Reporting Subsystem (RS) receives reporting messages from Reporting Adapter(s) (RA(s)) and writes historical data into the database. Configuration data will be replicated f ...
- cmmcaRsEntry
- Each Entry represents a configured RS service. Each entry is indexed by the index of cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalContactDetailRecords
- Total number of Contact Detail Records written to the database since since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each ContactDetail Record written this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalContactDetailAttributeRecords
- Total number of ContactDetailAttribute Records written to the database since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each ContactDetailAttribute record written this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalContactSegmentDetailRecords
- Total number of Contact Segment Detail Records written to the database since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each ContactSegmentDetail Record written this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalResourceTaskDetailRecords
- Total number of ResourceTaskDetail Records written to the database since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each ResourceTaskDetail Record written this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalResourceEventDetailRecords
- Total number of ResourceEventDetail Records written to the database since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each ResourceEventDetail Record written this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalAssignmentQueDetailRecords
- Total number of AssignmentQueueDetail Records written to the database since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each AssignmentQueueDetail Record written this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalAssignmentQueAttribRecords
- Total number of AssignmentQueueAttribute Records written to the database since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each AssignmentQueueAttribute written received, this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalContactSegmentMediaDetailRecords
- Total number of Contact Segment Media Detail Records written to the database since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each ContactSegment media Detail Record written this metric will be incremented by one.
- cmmcaRsAggTotalDBWrites
- Total number of writes to the database by the Reporting Server since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime. For each write to the database by the Reporting Server, this metric will be increased by one.
- cmmcaRsIntContactDetailRecords
- Total number of ContactDetailRecords written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntContactDetailAttribRecords
- Total number of ContactDetailAttribute Records written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntContactSegmentDetailRecords
- Total number of ContactSegmentDetail Records written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntResourceTaskDetailRecords
- Total number of ResourceTaskDetail Records written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntResourceEventDetailRecords
- Total number of ResourceEventDetail Records written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntAssignmentQueDetailRecords
- Total number of AssignmentQueueDetail Records written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntAssignmentQueAttribRecords
- Total number of AddignmentQueueAttribute Records written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntContactSegmentMediaDetailRecords
- Total number of Contact Segment Media Detail Records written to the database by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsIntDBWrites
- IntervalDBWrites is an interval metric indicating the total number of writes to the database made by the Reporting Server during the last interval specified by the corresponding cmmcaServiceIntPeriod in cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaRsRtDBStatus
- A descriptive text used to indicate the current status associated with the Reporting database Server.
- cmmcaRsRtNumberActiveDBUserSessions
- Current number of active Reporting database User sessions.
- cmmcaRsDBSizeAllocated
- The real time allocated size (bytes) of the Reporting Server database.
- cmmcaRsRtDBSpaceUsed
- The real time number of bytes of used database space.
- cmmcaRsRtDBSpaceFree
- The real time number of bytes of free database space.
- cmmcaRsRtDBPercentUsed
- The real time percentage of used database space.
- cmmcaRsRtDBPercentFree
- The real time percentage of free database space.
- cmmcaRsRtTransactionLogSize
- The real time size of the transaction log in Reporting Server database.
- cmmcaIcmgwTable
- This table describes ICM Gateway(ICMGW) services configured on this Device. The ICM Gateway talks to the ERS PG of ICM over the GED-188 (ACMI) protocol. It sends agent state information to the ICM so that the ICM knows whether or not to route calls to Cis ...
- cmmcaIcmgwEntry
- Each Entry represents a configured ICMGateway (ICMGW). Each entry is indexed by the index of cmmcaServiceTable.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggSocketConnects
- The total number of socket connections since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggSocketDisconnects
- The total number of socket disconnections since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggACMIBytesSent
- The total number of bytes sent to the PIM since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggACMIBytesRcvd
- The total number of bytes received from the PIM since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggACMIMsgsSent
- The total number of messages sent to the PIM since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggACMIMsgsRcvd
- The total number of messages received from the PIM since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtACMIOutQueueDepth
- The current ACMI output queue depth.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtACMIOutQueueWait
- The real time Queuing time of the message in the ACMI output queue in milliseconds.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtAgentsMonitored
- The real time number of agents being monitored.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtAqsMonitored
- The real time number of Assignment Queues being monitored.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtRoutesMonitored
- The real time number of DNIS being monitored.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtPendingQueryAgentStateDlgs
- The real time number of pending QueryAgentState dialogues.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtPendingGetContactDetailDlgs
- The real time number of pending GetContactDetail dialogues.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggQueryAgentStateTimeouts
- The total number of QueryAgentState timeouts since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwAggGetContactDetailTimeouts
- The total Number of GetContactDetail timeouts since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtQueryAgentStateDelay
- The real time QueryAgentState response delay.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtGetContactDetailDelay
- The real time GetContactDetail response delay.
- cmmcaIcmgwRtPendingCallTermEvents
- The real time number of pending CallTerminationEvent messages.
- cmmcaServiceTable
- This table lists all functional services that make up Cisco Unified Expert Advisor (CUEA) application. Each service performs a specific task. The various services are Contact Manager(CM), Resource Manager (RM), Work Assigner (WA), Media Platform Adapter ( ...
- cmmcaServiceEntry
- This entry defines a row in the cmmcaServiceTable. Each Service Entry has an arbitrarily assigned index,ie; cmmcaServiceIndex, a service type,ie; cmmcaServiceType (which is an enumerated list of services present on this managed device) and a list of other ...
- cmmcaServiceIndex
- The service index is a value that uniquely identifies an entry in the service table. The value is arbitrarily assigned by the SNMP agent.
- cmmcaServiceType
- The service type object identifies the type of Cisco Unified Expert Advisor functional service, see CmmcaServiceType Textual convention for more information.
- cmmcaServiceName
- The service name object is a user-intuitive textual name for the application service.
- cmmcaServiceStatus
- The service status object is the last known status of the application service.
- cmmcaServiceIntPeriod
- This object defines the interval window over which values of certain MIB objects of the corresponding service are calculated. Each service entry defined in cmmcaServiceTable has corresponding entries in a related table in cmmcaServiceInfo that are identif ...
- cmmcaRtRoutingDomain
- The routing domain, a descriptive text, that specifies the service is in.
- cmmcaRtLogLevel
- The current log level of the service. A log level acts as a filter to decide which events will be logged. Hence a log level has the same values as defined in CmmcaSeverityLevel. A log level will enable the service to log events that have atleast the desig ...
- cmmcaRtTraceMask
- The current trace mask for debugging for the service.
- cmmcaRtMessageThroughput
- The Average message throughput in messages/sec per service.
- cmmcaRtUptime
- The total number of seconds the service has been up.
- cmmcaRtMsgReceived
- The total number of messages received by the service since application start time specified by cmmcaStartTime.
- cmmcaMaxThreadsAvailable
- The Maximum number of threads available for this Service.
- cmmcaRtThreadsInUse
- Number of threads currently running for this Service.
- cmmcaEnvRtMaxMemUsed
- The real-time maximum memory used object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the peak memory usage by the application within the runtime environment since startup. The object value is expressed as a count of bytes and indicates the high water mark ...
- cmmcaEnvRtCurrMemUsed
- The real-time current memory used object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the current memory usage by the runtime environment. The object value is expressed as a count of bytes and indicates the current amount of memory used by this runtime env ...
- cmmcaEnvRtMaxMemAvail
- The real-time maximum memory available object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the amount of memory available to the runtime environment. The object value is expresses as a count of bytes and indicates the amount of system memory available for u ...
- cmmcaEnvRtCurrMemAvail
- The real-time current memory available object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the amount of available memory in the runtime environment. The object value is expressed as a count of bytes and indicates the amount of current system memory claimed ...
- cmmcaEnvRtCurrThreadsInUse
- The real-time current threads in use object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating a count of threads that are in use in the runtime environment. The number of threads in use by the runtime environment include all of the Cisco MMCA standalone and thre ...
- cmmcaEnvMaxThreadsUsed
- The real-time maximum threads used object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the peak amount of threads used simultaneously in the runtime environment since startup. The maximum number of threads used by the runtime environment includes all Cisco ...
- cmmcaEnvRtUpTime
- The real-time up time object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating how long the CUEA application has been running. The object value is expressed as a count of milliseconds that have elapsed since the application began executing.
- cmmcaRtMsgQMemPercentUsage
- The percentage of available message bus memory in use. All services in CUEA communicate using a message bus.
- cmmcaMaxMsgQMemAvail
- The actual amount of available message bus memory for use. All services in CUEA communicate using a message bus.
- cmmcaRtCongested
- An object indicating whether or not the device is congested as determined by an internal heuristic.
- cmmcaTPoolRtIdleThreads
- The real-time idle threads object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the number of idle threads in the pool waiting for work. The thread pool is a cache of threads used (by application components only) for the processing of relatively short tasks. ...
- cmmcaTPoolRtRunningThreads
- The real-time running threads object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the number of running threads in the pool currently processing work. The thread pool is a cache of threads used (by application components only) for the processing of relative ...
- cmmcaTPoolRtCoreThreads
- The real-time core threads object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the number of threads in the pool that will never be destroyed no matter how long they remain idle. The thread pool is a cache of threads used (by application components only) fo ...
- cmmcaTPoolRtMaxThreadsAvail
- The real-time maximum threads available object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the maximum number of threads in the pool that can exist simultaneously. The thread pool is a cache of threads used (by application services only) for the processing ...
- cmmcaTPoolRtMaxThreadsUsed
- The real-time maximum threads used object is a real-time snapshot metric indicating the peak number of threads in the pool that are simultaneously tasked with work to process. The thread pool is a cache of threads used (by application components only) fo ...
- cmmcaRtLicensesAvailable
- The real-time number of Expert advisor agent licenses available on this Device.
- cmmcaTotalLicensesConfigured
- The total number of Expert Agent licenses configured on this Device.
- cmmcaServerName
- The server name object is the fully-qualified domain name of the the server.
- cmmcaDescription
- The description object holds a textual description of the software installed on this server. This is typically the full name of the application.
- cmmcaVersion
- The version object identifies the version number of the Cisco Unified Expert Advisor software installed on this server.
- cmmcaStartTime
- The start time object is the date and time that the CUEA application was started on this server.
- cmmcaTimeZoneName
- The time zone name object specifies the name of the time zone where the server is physically located.
- cmmcaTimeZoneOffsetHours
- The time zone offset hours object represents the number of hours that the local time, in the time zone where the server is physically located, differs from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
- cmmcaTimeZoneOffsetMinutes
- The time zone offset minutes object represents the number of minutes that the local time, in the time zone where the CUEA server is physically located, differs from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This object is combined with cmmcaTimeZoneOffsetHours object t ...
- cmmcaOpsConsoleURL
- This object holds the URL for the CUEA operations Console web server. The operations console offers a web-based, centralized interface for mapping and summarizing the solution network configuration, setting and displaying configuration information on a b ...
- cmmcaLocalDeviceType
- This Object defines the type of device. Expert Advisor devices are typically classified into runtime or reporting. runtime : A runtime device typically has multiple services of types such as ContactManager(cm), ResourceManager(rm), WorkAssigner(wa), ICM ...
- cmmcaEnableNotifications
- This object allows the management station to disable and alternatively enable outbound notifications. By default, notifications are enabled.
- cmmcaSystemConditionStatus
- This object provides an overall summary of the System Conditions. It specifies if health of the application is statusNormal (green), statusWarn (yellow) or statusCritical(red). A management station can use this status along with specific conditions raised ...
- cmmcaSystemStatus
- The SystemStatus object is the last known status of the application. It summarizes the overall status of the application. It can have the following values 'inService' The service is up and running optimally, accepting connections at full QoS (if a ...
- cmmcaClusterInfoTable
- CUEA can consist of multiple devices that form a cluster. This table gives the information related to the CUEA Cluster. Each entry denotes a Device within the Cluster.
- cmmcaClusterInfoEntry
- This Entry represents a row in the cluster Table. Every row has information related to a Device such as hostname, IP address etc. An entry is created when a device is added to the CUEA cluster during installation and this information is subsequently pick ...
- cmmcaDeviceIndex
- An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Device, which uniquely identifies a Device within the cluster.
- cmmcaDeviceName
- The Host name of the Device in the Cluster.
- cmmcaDeviceDescription
- The description for the device which can include additional information regarding the device.
- cmmcaDeviceType
- The Device type. runtime(1) : The device is a runtime device. reporting(2): The device is a reporting server device. unknown(3) : The type of the remote device is not known.
- cmmcaDeviceStatus
- The current status of the remote Device as viewed by this device. A remote device is up if the local device can communicate with it. unknown(1) : Current status of the remote device is Unknown, local (2) : This is the local device in the table, r ...
- cmmcaDeviceInetAddressType
- This object identifies the IP address type of the remote device.
- cmmcaDeviceInetAddress
- This object identifies ip address of the remote device. The type of address for this is identified by InetAddressType.
- cmmcaClusterId
- The unique ID of the Cluster to which this device belongs. At any point in time, the Cluster Id helps in associating a device to any given Cluster.
- cmmcaNextNodeTable
- This table gives the information related to the neighbouring nodes that are connected to the device. Each entry denotes a node connected to the device.
- cmmcaNextNodeEntry
- This Entry represents a row in the next node Table. Every row has information related to a neighbouring device such as host name, IP address, device type etc. An entry is created when neighbouring devices such as CUPS or ICMGW are configured with the CUEA ...
- cmmcaNextNodeIndex
- An arbitrary integer, selected by the local device used to identify the neighbouring node.
- cmmcaNextNodeName
- The name of the node that is connected to the device.
- cmmcaNextNodeType
- A string describing the type of node that is connected to the device. This can be Unknown, ICM(PG), CUPS.
- cmmcaNextNodeIpAddrType
- This object identifies the IP address type of the neighbouring node connected to the device.
- cmmcaNextNodeIpAddr
- This object identifies ip address of the neighbouring node connected to the device. The type of address for this is identified by cmmcaNextNodeIpAddrType.
- cmmcaNextNodeStatus
- The current status of the neighbouring node connected to the device as viewed by this Device. unknown(1) : Current status of the node is Unknown, available (2) : The connection is up and available unavailable(3) : The connection is down and not av ...
- cmmcaSystemConditionTable
- This table lists all the Raised System Conditions in the application. A service can be inService ,but could raise certain important System Conditions, which provide more information about the health of service.
- cmmcaSystemConditionEntry
- An entry (conceptual row) in the cmmcaSystemConditionTable. Each row specifies information about a System condition, which has an Id, severity level, description of the raised condition, the timestamp of when the condition was raised and a message of the ...
- cmmcaSystemConditionIndex
- An arbitrary integer, selected by the local device used to identify the System Condition.
- cmmcaSystemConditionId
- An unique Id of the System Condition used to identify a specific System Condition.
- cmmcaSystemConditionSeverity
- This object specifies the severity level of the raised condition.
- cmmcaSystemConditionDescription
- This object provides a breif description of the raised System Condition.
- cmmcaSystemConditionTimeStamp
- The timestamp of when the Condition was raised.
- cmmcaSystemConditionMessage
- This object provides a message about the event which resulted in the System Condition being raised.
- cmmcaGeneralInfoGroup
- The general info group defines the general CUEA objects. All servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaLicenseInfoGroup
- The licensing information group defines the set of objects for the licensing system. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaThreadPoolGroup
- The thread pool information group defines the set of objects for the thread pools. All servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaRuntimeInfoGroup
- The RuntimeInfo group defines the set of objects for the Runtime info. All servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaServiceGroup
- The Service group defines the set of objects for the various applicationServices. All servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaRmGroup
- The Rm group defines the set of objects for the resource manager service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaCmGroup
- The Cm group defines the set of objects for the Contact Manager service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaRdaGroup
- The Rda group defines the set of objects for the Resource desktop Adapter service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaBreGroup
- The Bre group defines the set of objects for the Business Rule Engine service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaWaGroup
- The Wa group defines the set of objects for the Work Assigner service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaMpaGroup
- The Mpa group defines the set of objects for the Media Platform adapter service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaRaGroup
- The Ra group defines the set of objects for the Reporting Adapter service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaRsGroup
- The Rs group defines the set of objects for the Reporting Subsystem service. All reporting servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaIcmgwGroup
- The Icmgw group defines the set of objects for the ICMGW service. All runtime servers will populate these objects.
- cmmcaNotificationInfoGroup
- This group defines the set of Notification objects for CUEA.
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